Chapter 13

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(Chat Noir)

I freeze as I hear my father's voice, "Dad?" chills run down my spine and my arm hairs stick up behind my suit.

My dad's glasses reflect off the light and cause his lenses to look white, he lifts them up and I can see a frown on his face.

"Adrien, I'd prefer if you were out of this." My dad says in an urgent tone. "Out of what?" I ask. My dad sighs, "Just put the ring back Adrien."

"Wait, did you take my ring?" I growl, clenching my fists. "Adrien! Just put the damn ring in the vault!" Dad says anger erupting from his voice. I stay put, "No! And tell me what is going on!" I yell back.

Instead of speaking with words, my dad leaps toward me, I grab Ladybug's waist and then run toward the nearest window.

Without thinking I just leap out.


I didn't know what to say or feel, but when Chat Noir jumped out of the window I knew. All I felt was confusion and . . . guilt.

It wasn't Adrien's fault that I hit him in that accident, it wasn't his fault that he was the one to get severely injured and it wasn't his fault that his ring went missing.

It was my fault.

We land on the ground, Chat falling on his face. "Chat Noir . . ." I shake him a little, but he didn't move. He must have passed out.

I pick him up and run back toward Elliot's house. When I get there I knock urgently, out of breath.

"Ladyb-" Elliot sees the passed out Chat Noir in my arms and his face grew pale.

"Chat Noir? You found him?" Elliot asks, while running back in the house and throwing things off the couch.

"Yeah . . ." I reply, setting him on the couch. "Where's Adrien? Didn't you two go and look for his . . . ring."

He looks down at Chat Noir's hand. "We found it all right . . ." I say. Elliot's face drops, "So-" I cut Elliot off, "Don't tell anyone!" At that very moment Chat Noir's eyes flickered open, "Lady . . . bug . . ." He sat up, "I know who took my ring."

"Who?" I get down to his level. Chat sighs, "My dad . . . I don't know why though."

A scream broke through the air and stopped everyone's thoughts. "Who was that?" Elliot asks. "More importantly what is causing it?" I say.

Chat Noir, Elliot, and I all storm outside, but all there was was white mist fogging the air. "It can't be . . ." Elliot mumbles.

"Nothing," I cough from the fog, "Nothing is out here." Elliot narrows his eyes, "You two should go back inside, macaroni is in the fridge."

I try to argue, but my stomach growls and so I reluctantly shuffled inside with Chat behind me. I open the fridge and grab the bowl of macaroni.

"We need to talk." I say, scooping macaroni into two smaller bowls and re-heating them. Chat Noir sighs, "I'm sorry that I am Adrien."

I take the macaroni out of the microwave, hand one to him and laugh, "Don't be . . ." Awkward silence fills the air until Chat coughs, "Um, My Lady, since you know who I am, wouldn't it be fair if, you know, I knew your identity?"

The macaroni drops off my spoon and falls back into the bowl, "I don't know . . ." I slide a strand of hair that fell onto my face back behind my ear.

"My lady please-" The door slamming shut cut Chat Noir off. "Thanks for keeping the place clean for me Ellie!" A tall woman with honey blonde hair, a black shirt, a leather brown jacket, a black leather purse, a long black skirt, and bright blue eyes walked through the door with Elliot beside her.

Elliot coughs into his fist awkwardly, "Ladybug, Chat Noir, this is my sister, Lilleth."

I stand up and hold out my hand, "Hi, I'm Ladybug." She takes it and smiles, "I'm Lilleth, Lilleth Sprouse, I've heard so much about you!"

I laugh and look at the floor, "Yeah . . . well I should go . . ." Before anyone could say anything else I walked out of the door.

(Chat Noir)

As Ladybug left Marinette's parents came into the room, "Has anyone seen Marinette? We've been trying to find her." Marinette's dad says. "Oh! Hello, you must be the one who owns this house, Elliot's sister?" Her mom walks toward Lilleth.

Lilleth laughs, "Yes, I'm Lilleth Sprouse." "Hello, I'm Sabine Dupain Cheng, and this is my husband Tom." "Nice to meet you." Lilleth says while shaking their hands.

"I should probably go too-" I was cut off by Marinette walking into the house, "Hi I'm Marinette Dupain Cheng, and you are?" She asks Lilleth.

I slip out of the door and transform back into Adrien. "I need cheese now." Plagg mumbles. I sigh, "Wait, I need to know something!" I tell Plagg impatiently.

Plagg groans, but goes into my jacket as I open the door back into the house. "Adrien! Oh my! I thought you were still in the Hospital!" Mrs. Dupain Cheng gasps. I smile, "No I got out a about two days ago." because Molly snuck me out.

"Oh well that's wonderful!" Mr. Dupain Cheng smiles. "Oh my god! You're Adrien Agreste! She's so obsessed with you!" Lilleth walks toward me. What? Who?

"Lilleth, I think we should talk now." Elliot tells his sister, a stern look on his face. Lilleth frowns, "Alright little brother, let's go talk."


(No one's POV)
~One day ago~

The woman watched the younger girl walk out of the beauty salon, the younger girl bragging to her friend about her natural beauty.

The woman slipped a comb out of her leather purse and set it on the pavement right outside of the salon.

"My stylist told me me hair was as radiant and beautiful as the sun, and I was like tell me somehing I don't know-" The younger girl's shoe hit the comb and it skidded across the pavement. "What's this?" The girl picked up the comb.

"It's soo pretty!" The girls friend squealed. The girl smirked and stuffed it inside her purse. "Anyway, like I was saying, she was also like, and your fashion sense is like so pretty and I was like, why are you so obsessed with me?" (if you get the reference you are now my best friend)

The woman tipped her fedora and ran off.


Hey loves! How was your day today?

QOTC: What is your favorite song?

AOTC: I CHIME IN . . . (I write sins not tragedies) and/or I hate you I love you


Adrienette //Not Over You//{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now