Chapter 19

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I help Lilleth to her feet, and we walk towards Elliot and Marinette, "Did Elliot explain?" I ask, and Marinette nods slowly, "Did Lilleth tell you anything?" She asks.

I shake my head, "No, she can't stop crying." Marinette stood up, helping Elliot up too. "I'll explain later, just know that they are on our side, we need to get our miraculous back before it is too late!"

I nodded in determination, "What's the plan?" Marinette takes out her braided bun, and narrows her eyes, "We are going to split up, Adrien, go with Lilleth, and I'll go with Elliot, you two must go and look for Queen Bee, or Chloé."

Lilleth suddenly straightens up, and shuts her eyes tight, "Alright." I nod too, but reluctantly as I realize that Marinette wants to go with Elliot. She is my lady!

Lilleth and I walk along a jagged pavement, with sticks and stones scattered everywhere around it. "So, Chloé's your daughter?" I ask Lilleth, to start up a conversation. She flinched, and nodded, "She has a thing for you, you know, I'd always watch her from a distance."

I sighed, "Then you'll know she isn't the nicest person." Lilleth whipped her head toward me, narrowed her eyes, and opened her mouth, but no words came out, instead she hung her head down, "I know . . ."

After a couple moments of silence, Lilleth spoke up again, "The miraculous that she has, it isn't her's, I stole it from the original owner, and wanted to give it to Chloé to make her feel special, because I was wrong, she was a full human." A few more moments of silence.

"Do you want to know why, I joined forces with Hawkmoth?" She asked, I turned my head and nodded. She cleared her throat and began to speak. "Humans killed my parents, and ever since my daughter was born, I have wanted to get revenge, but I couldn't find them, I was hopeless, so I forced myself to team up with another human with a suit, and he promised he would get my daughter to forgive me, and get those humans in the red and black suits."

I froze, and the hair on my neck shot up, "Do you. . . um, do you forgive the people in the suits?" I ask awkwardly, Lilleth laughed and shook her head, "Once I find them, I am going to tear them apart, and make them pay!"

Dang. Harsh.

"But what if I told you that, the people in those suits are different people now than the people that killed your parents, and that these people are good." Lilleth laughed, "I'm only joking . . . I know that you and your girlfriend are Ladybug and Chat Noir, I know I had lost my chance of getting revenge on the people that killed my parents ages ago, instead I want to destroy Hawkmoth."

Girlfriend? Was she talking about Marinette? I felt my cheeks heat up slightly, "You . . . you mean . . . Marinette?" I ask. Lilleth smirks, "You two are dating right?" She asks.

I jump slightly, and look around, searching the area for either Chloé, Queen Bee, or something to change the subject. Conveniently, I spotted Chloé huddled in a corner, crying, I point toward her, "I'll leave you to talk to her . . ." I whisper to Lilleth, as I hide behind a recycling bin.

"Chloé . . ." Lilleth kneeled down next to her and Chloé grimaced, "What are you doing here, and how do you know my name?" Lilleth sighed, and broke down in tears, clearly trying to restrain pulling Chloé into a big hug. "Chloé . . . this may come to a wee bit of a shock, and you'll probably hate me . . ."

There was a silence, until Lilleth cleared her throat, "I am your mother," Another silence, and then I saw Chloé get up, turn toward her mother, and then scream, "HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME, AND THEN MAKE ME WHO I AM TODAY?"

Chloé's lip trembled, "Mummy!" She threw her arms around Lilleth breaking into tears. Lilleth rubbed circles on her back, and kissed Chloé's cheek, "Promise me, now that I have returned, that you will try to be nicer . . ." Chloé wiped the tears and mascara from her face, "I'll try . . . mum."

My heart hurt, remembering my own mother. The cold air seemd to make the area eerily quiet, and I heard footsteps behind me, "Adrien?"


Elliot takes me toward Hawkmoth's place, and the ice cold breeze was cold on my shoulders, "Brrr." I shiver, chattering my teeth. "Why's it so cold?" I ask myself.

Elliot froze as we passed the Hospital, "Oh shoot." He said frowning. "What is it?" I ask. He scratched the back of his neck, "I told Molly I'd be be back at about 11:00, but it's already 11:05." I laughed, "I bet she's worrying her bum off, (Oh no! He's five minutes late!)" I teased.

"You bet your bottom dollar I was." A voice said from behind them, Elliot and I whipped our heads around to see Molly stomping toward them a purple scarf wrapped around her neck, and her nose pink from the cold.

"Elliot Sprouse! What are you and Marinette doing out here?" Molly snapped. "She gets really snappy when she is out in the cold." Elliot whispers to me. I retain my laughter, as I see the serious face on Elliot, and Molly's narrowed eyes.

"Molly . . ." He stepped toward her, "Molly I have . . ." Elliot glanced toward me, then back again at Molly. "Molly I have something to tell you."

Molly's big, golden, moon eyes glistened with tears, "What are Marinette and you a thing, I-" Elliot shook his head, "Ew, no." Thanks friend, I think sarcastically.

"No, but you have to promise me that you won't be freaked out." Molly nodded, "Alright." "Close your eyes." Molly nodded again, closing her eyes. (ANOTHER WOLF CHILDREN REFERENCE!)

I watched from a distance as Elliot turned into Eagle, and Molly opened her eyes early, she gasped. "Ellie . . ." She put her hands to her mouth. "Well while I am in my shadow form, I am Eagle."

I walked closer to them, "Did you know this?" Molly asked me. I nodded, "He was afraid you were going to be scared and hate him." Molly beamed, "Of course not." Eagle beamed as well, "You don't?-" I started suddenly getting impatient, Hawkmoth has our miraculous.

"Come on, come on, lovebirds it's time to get a move on, so we can save Paris, and possibly the entire world!"


Sorry if this chapter was boring, but trust me, next chapter will be a HUGE one and have another big reveal.

QOTC: What is your favorite animal?

AOTC: CATS, and my favorite sea animals are Beluga Whales

Have an a-mew-zing day loves and don't forget to floss! (really I need to come out with a better outro because I don't even floss smh)


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