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Dinah and Camila were leaning against the walls outside of their Homeroom, Dinah with her arm resting upon it and Camila with her hip. The two were chatting away about their first impressions of this school and their feelings towards this school.

Camila was explaining how she wasn't as nervous anymore, that her nerves were slowly fading into the back of her brain and her excitement was taking over, intriguing her more so than scaring her.

And Dinah, of course, was telling her best friend how she couldn't wait to meet everyone and find some new faces to hang out with. Maybe even a new lover if she was lucky.

The pair were deep within their conversation when they were abruptly interrupted.

The bell cut them off and rung loudly, echoing throughout the school hallways, signifying for all students to go to homeroom.

"Shit that scared me!" Dinah jumped at the suddenness, holding her chest in a state of shock and falling backwards slightly. Camila laughed at the clumsiness of her best friend. That hadn't even scared her at all.

There was some sort of bump sticking out of the ground, behind Dinah, and as she jumped backwards, her shoe had caught on it. She began to trip and tried to regain balance when she felt a hand placed on her back, stopping her from completely stumbling over.

"Woah, you okay there?"

Surprised, Dinah stood up straight, finding her balance once again and turned around slowly. Camila looked to her right as well, both of them wanting to see who the voice had came from.

Revealing the unfamiliar voice, a dark-skinned girl stood behind Dinah, with her hand placed on the Polynesians back. The new girl was looking at Dinah with a concerned look upon her face. Concerned but definitely sweet.

Also, stood next to the dark-skinned girl was a much smaller, Latina looking girl, who was holding her text books tightly to her chest, smiling softly at both Camila and Dinah.

Dinah shook her head and blinked a few times, before deciding to actually speak to the girl who had broken her fall, instead of just obliviously staring at her like an idiot.

"Oh, hey. Yeah I'm fine, thanks for that by the way." Dinah chuckled, thanking and greeting the new girl.

"That's alright," The darker girl chuckled shaking Dinah's hand instinctively, "I'm Normani and I'm suspecting that you're new here?" She asked.

The caramel skinned girl nodded her head, smiling and confirming Normani's assumption.

She then swiftly turned around and grabbed the wrist of Camila, who was watching the friendly interaction occur contently. The Cuban girl was pulled forwards by her best friend, "Nice to meet you. I'm Dinah, and this is my best friend Camila."

"Hi." Camila whispered quietly and smiled at the two new girls, waving simultaneously.

"I'm Normani, as I told you before and this is Ally, also my best friend." The smaller Latina girl was pulled into Normani's side almost effortlessly.

Camila giggled at the two girls' playful relationship. They seemed really friendly and genuine, unlike everyone at their old school.

The four girls made small talk for a few moments, getting to know each other whilst groups of people noisily walked past them each second. But they didn't get to speak for long, as after a minute or two, a dark haired man interrupted them.

"Come on in girls." He spoke beside them, as he unlocked and opened the door to their Homeroom. This man must be their teacher, obviously.

Normani and Ally smiled as they entered the room, following the tanned skinned teacher swiftly.

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