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"Of course, being the young lovestruck girl I was, I was completely oblivious to everything. Blind to everything that was happening right before my own eyes." Lauren finished her story, exhaling somewhat shakily.

Camila hadn't stopped staring at Lauren whilst she was telling her story, baffled with what she was being informed about. It was painful to imagine Lauren at that age being happy with her new girlfriend when she didn't even realise that Lucy was not being genuine. At all.

"So, Lucy thought of your relationship as... A joke?!" Camila asked, her voice raising, dripping in fury. She didn't even care right now about anything else, Lauren looked sad and Camila couldn't believe the nerve of this Lucy girl.

Lauren raised her head, as well as her eyebrows simultaneously. She was met with Camila's eyes scanning her own features, her eyes darting back and forth between each of her emerald eyes in disbelief.

"Yeah, she did," Lauren nodded, rewrapping her arms around her knees again, tighter this time. "But it doesn't matter."

Camila quickly flicked her brunette hair over to the other side of her face and leant forwards.

"Lauren, it does matter," She clarified. "Lucy carelessly hurt your feelings and that does matter."

The green eyed girl hesitated before releasing the tight grip she had on her knees and relaxing slightly, her muscles now loose.

Camila swallowed before continuing, "she had no right to play with your feelings like that, it's not fair. Everyone has emotions, and no matter how well some people can hide them, they're still there. You are allowed to have feelings and Lucy completely violated that fact and she messed with them."

Lauren was at a loss for words. No one had ever said anything to her like that besides Keana and her brother... But this time, it was more special. It was coming from a girl who was new to her life and hadn't known Lucy, so it meant more.

"Your bandage... The one that was on your hand a few days ago?" Camila asked quietly and out of no where, her eyes dropping to Lauren's hands. Lauren instinctively hid her hand behind her legs upon hearing Camila's words.

"That's how you deal with your emotions isn't it? When you get angry, you hit stuff?"

Lauren practically froze. The brunette had just sent chills through her body. Was she really that easy to read? She thought she had been more subtle about things.

The raven haired girl lowered her gaze and gulped as she noticed Camila move closer to her on the bed. The smaller girl was practically sat on Lauren's feet, only just a few inches away from her.

After a short moment, Lauren felt a small hand on one of her knees. She sensed Camila's hesitance and nerves as the smaller girl was reaching out to her. Knowing what Camila was implying, Lauren slowly held out her hand to the brunette.

Camila smiled shyly as she cupped her hand around Lauren's, examining it. There were still a few bruised, red marks over Lauren's hand but they weren't as bad as they probably were a few days ago.

Lauren's breath hitched in her throat slightly as Camila began to run her warm fingers over the girls knuckles comfortingly.

"I usually don't try and hit things, if anything I hit a punch bag when I practice my boxing. But, yeah, you're right Camila, sometimes I do hit the odd thing out of anger," Lauren admitted, looking up into Camila's face but the younger girl was still looking down, at their hands.

But, you're pretty fucking dope (camren)Where stories live. Discover now