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For the last half hour or so, Camila had been small talking to Lauren and Keana, but mostly Keana.

Mostly Keana because she just really didn't know what to say to Lauren, she didn't want to screw up. So she thought it was best not to speak first.

Every second or so, Camila would glance over at the raven haired girl when she wasn't looking and subtly admire things about her. The way she looked intensely at you whenever you spoke. The small smiles that broke out onto her pink lips when she heard things she was interested in. The way she would position her hands on her ripped jeans, and use them to make hand gestures whenever she was trying to explain herself. The way she took off her beanie and ran her hand through her free locks of hair, flicking them to the other side of her face. And Camila would of course admire the tattoos that were briefly poking out under Lauren's bomber jacket sleeves that were slightly rolled up.

Lauren was so easy to admire.

She didn't see how anyone would care to think otherwise. And she certainly didn't want to either.

"Hey girls!" A masculine voice snapped Camila out of her thoughts. The figure was standing next to where Keana was sitting, his hand leant against her chair.

"Hey Keana, Lauren..." He spoke, his voice cheery but rambling off at the end. Keana and Lauren greeted him back, their tone of voice warm.

Camila instantly looked upwards and into the face of the older looking boy. He was looking back at her intently, as if waiting for her to say something.

Oh, her name. She forgot she was new and not a lot of people knew her.

"Hi, I'm Camila. I'm one of the new girls." She smiled politely as Keana gazed up at the ragged haired boy standing beside her.

"Nice to meet you Camila," the brunette boy moved closer and held out his large hand, "I'm Harry."

Camila's eyes widened when she realised he was in fact British, wow.

"I've heard about you, thanks for letting me come to your party." The brunette greeted Harry, dropping his hand at the end of her sentence and smiling towards him. He seemed very charming.

Instead of verbally replying to Camila, the taller boy nodded his head in her direction as if to say 'you're welcome'.

"So guys," Harry began in his deep voice, "we're playing a game of truth or dare in the next room. You wanna play?"

Keana lowered her gaze from Harry and instantly looked at Lauren with a uncertain look. Lauren looked back at her normally before slowly turning to face Camila.

"Do you want to?" She asked with a rasp in monotone.

Camila's heart skipped a beat upon hearing Lauren's words, "Sure." She replied as quickly as she could, "I- I don't mind."

Lauren turned back around to face Keana again, where the brunette rolled her eyes before sighing and giving in, "Alright. Yeah Harry, we're down."

Harry smiled brightly, tapping Keana playfully on the shoulder. "That's what I'm talking about!" He half cheered, half smirked.

Keana laughed and Camila couldn't help but smile. Harry seemed like a frat boy type, but he seemed nice... Unlike Francisco and Alex or whoever they were. Harry didn't seem obsessed with girls, or himself.

But, you're pretty fucking dope (camren)Where stories live. Discover now