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"Alright girls! Line up along the track."

Camila glanced around at the other girls surrounding her. She couldn't help but wonder where Lauren was, and she couldn't help but dislike this 'so called' Gigi girl.

She looked towards the blonde girl, who was on her mind, and noticed her smirking at one of her friends. Camila would love to wipe that fucking stupid look off her face.

"You okay Walz?"

Peeling her gaze away from Gigi, Camila locked eyes with Dinah, who was standing to the right of her.

"I'm pissed off." The smaller brunette sighed, shaking her head slightly.

Dinah watched her best friend for a moment before wrapping an arm around her neck and pulling her in for a brief hug.

"You know," the Polynesian pulled away, "Lauren will appreciate you sticking up for her."

"I don't know... If I talk to her again I'm afraid of what she might say, or do." Camila sighed, throwing her hair into a tight ponytail, "I don't want her to hate me."

Dinah shoved the girl lightly, "That's impossible Mila. You're the sweetest person I know."

Dinah's statement earned a genuine smile from the smaller girl.

"Thank you DJ."

"Alright! Quieten down ladies." Miss Díaz, the PE teacher, blew on her whistle to silence the noisy teenage girls who were currently chatting away.

Animated conversations soon became silence and everyone's attention was on the teacher who stood in front of them.

"So, welcome to the new school year and your first PE lesson back!" Miss Díaz looked at all of the faces along the line of girls, smiling at everyone individually. She then looked down at the clipboard which she was holding in her hands. "I have also been informed about two new students who have joined us this year, Camila Cabello and Dinah Jane Hansen. Am I right?"

All of the girls averted their eyes to the pair of girls who were standing directly in the middle of the line. Camila shyly smiled while tucking her hair behind her ear and Dinah just smiled and waved awkwardly.

"Well, welcome girls." The blonde haired teacher grinned sweetly at the pair. "I hope you-"

Miss Díaz was interrupted by the sound of a door opening and closing quickly. A few girls, including Camila and Dinah, turned their heads to where the noise was coming from. The tunnel.

A familiar raven haired girl was making her way, slowly, down the tunnel and over to the rest of the girls.

"Lauren? You're late." The blonde haired teacher crossed her arms as Lauren stopped in her tracks, running her bandaged hand through her hair.

That's when Camila noticed.

Her bandage, which had been clean beforehand in the changing rooms, was now blood stained and it was obviously fresh blood.

"I'm sorry." Lauren rasped, barely any sincerity in her voice.

Miss Díaz narrowed her eyes slightly. "See me after the lesson, I won't have you disrupting anymore of it." She pointed to the line of girls, telling Lauren to join the rest of them.

But, you're pretty fucking dope (camren)Where stories live. Discover now