t w e n t y t w o

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Camila fell back onto her bed, an exaggerated sigh escaping from her parted lips. She brought the back of her hands up to her forehead and closed her eyes.

Normani, who was standing nearby, preparing her outfit, rolled her eyes at the Cuban's actions.

"You need to stop stressing out, Mila." She laughed lightheartedly as she began to approach the younger girl. She sat down beside her on the bed as Camila opened one eye to look at the other girl.

Camila sighed again, "I know... but I don't think I can. Ariana's party is tonight and I'm performing my song tomorrow, in front of Lauren..."

She gulped dryly, her heart rate increasing as she spoke those words.

She didn't feel prepared at all for the show. She was scared that Lauren would realise that the song was for her and she was scared that it was the wrong time to finally admit her feelings.

On top of all of that, Dinah was insisting that they both went to Ariana's party tonight, along with Normani and Ally.

It was probably not the best idea.

But at least she would get a break, even if it was for a while.

Ever since Zayn had informed Camila that she had gone through to the show, the small girl had been practising her song everyday. Without failure.

Her passion through performing the song had increased and she was gradually feeling more from the song, from the lyrics. Every time she sang it, her heart would beat faster and faster with the thought of Lauren racing through her mind. She knew that she was in deep, probably too deep, and if Lauren didn't like the song or the concept... it was game over.

The past week had flew by.

"Get up Camila." Normani gripped the smaller girls forearm and tried to lift her limp body upwards.

Camila groaned but obliged as she sat up, next to her friend.

"Look," Normani spoke softly, causing Camila to turn her head and make eye contact with her.

"You're gonna get up and get dressed for this party." Normani jumped up enthusiastically, standing off the bed and in front of Camila, "for this one night only you're gonna need to let loose and have fun." She cheered, earning a subtle smile from the Cuban, although she tried to fight it from her lips.

Normani grabbed Camila's hand, sensing that she was beginning to lighten up, and pulled her up from the bed.

"C'mon Mila." She danced around jokingly, smirking at the smaller girl. Gradually, Camila's smile grew until she was laughing lightly and rolling her eyes in a playful manner.

"Okay, okay," she giggled, "you got me, I'll get ready." She smiled widely as Normani celebrated.

"I'm readyyy!" Dinah burst through the bedroom door, strutting in with Ally trailing behind her, not ready yet. Dinah was wearing a casual silk black dress, that had her shoulder areas exposed and the rest of the material, on the arms, was travelling up and finishing just below her elbows. It came down to a few inches above her knees, showing off some of the thickness of her thighs.

Camila and Normani jumped slightly as the door opened and the Polynesian strolled in, her hair in a low ponytail. Both of their attention diverted from each other, to the girl.

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