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Camila felt that after her small talk with Keana, the two had become closer, better friends. That was, of course, a great feeling.

Like she had promised, Camila had informed her three close friends on what Keana had spoken to her about. Only briefly however, not in full detail.

Camila was genuinely overwhelmed with all of the positive responses and useful advice that her friends were giving her.

Miami High was already one hundred times better than her old school. She did not miss anyone from that school. At all.

"Mila?" Dinah asked as she turned to her best friend in Homeroom. Camila hummed happily, she had been very content the past few days, grateful for everything.

"Could you maybe introduce Normani, Ally and I to Lauren and Keana one time?" She suggested hesitantly, "we'd love to talk to them and stuff." The Polynesian shrugged nonchalantly. Camila instantly raised her eyebrows and met the eyes of the younger girl.

They really wanted to get to know Lauren and Keana?

"Are you serious?" Camila questioned, looking at the three girls individually before realising their intentions. She felt her heart flip when Dinah nodded, smiling genuinely.

The Cuban girl thought for a moment, her eyes instinctively flicking to the raven haired girl at the back of the room.

As usual, Lauren looked bored as hell, she was clearly engulfed in her own thoughts.

Camila sighed contently as she watched the green eyed girl. Every time she saw this girl, her heart would skip a beat like it was the first time she'd ever laid eyes on her. Camila didn't understand how everyone wasn't after her, boys and girls.

Dinah smirked, watching Camila as she stared at Lauren.

"I mean, of course I'm serious, Mila. You're basically obsessed with her." She teased, causing the smaller girl to blush and peel her eyes away from Lauren.

Instead of answering, Camila just ignored her best friends comment and allowed her to laugh about it with Normani and Ally.

"If I do actually get her to talk to you guys..." Camila whispered slightly once the laughter had subsided, "please do not embarrass yourselves. But most importantly... please do not embarrass me."

Camila looked away, back at the raven haired girl but raised her hand in Dinah's direction before the Polynesian could open her mouth.

"Yes, I'm talking to you Dinah."

Dinah threw her hand across her chest dramatically and gasped, faking disbelief. Camila sniggered as she quickly side eyed her best friend, her body still turned in the direction of Lauren who was at the back of the room.

When the small brunette turned her attention back towards Lauren, she noticed the familiar pair of emerald eyes locking on her brown ones briefly before the older one quickly looked away.

Had Lauren been staring at her?

A small blush crept onto the raven haired girls face as Camila couldn't help but bite her lower lip to stop a smile from spreading across her lips.

Camila simply waited for those beautiful, piercing green eyes to meet hers again.

She could see how Lauren was fighting her instincts to look back.

But, you're pretty fucking dope (camren)Where stories live. Discover now