1| PSG

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Tobin's POV

It was my last night in Paris since my contract for PSG has ended and I need to get back to the US for the National Team but, I've spent two years here and I've made a home but most importantly, I've had one the best relationship with my beautiful girlfriend Cammie.

We were sitting by theSeine River just cuddling as we watched the sunset.

"Toby," Cammie says and I look up to her green eyes to see them glistening with tears about to fall.

"Cam, what's wrong?" I ask sitting up so we are looking at each other straight in the eyes.

"You're leaving tomorrow Tobs, we aren't going to see each other ever again." she says as the tears start to fall.

"Hey, don't think of it that way. I know we will see each other again, I promise you okay?" I say wiping her stray tears.

All she can do is nod.

"I love you." I say kissing her forehead.

"I love you more." she says.

"Not possible."

That was 4 years ago and I still haven't thought of anyone but her, I haven't even flirted with any other person than her and I'm still madly in love with her.

"TOBIN!! Wake up!!"  I hear my roommate Mallory Pugh yell at me.

"WWWHHHAAAA!!" I yell back.

"T! It's your birthday!!" she says shaking my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm old thanks for reminding me kid." I say looking at her then rolling back over.

Mal just groans and leaves our room.

I probably shouldn't have done that but to be honest, I've been really sensitive since I got back from Paris and everyone knows it's just best to not bug me about it.

They only person I really have opened up to is Morgan Brian, something about her is just so approachable and laid-back that it's so easy to open up to.

"Tobs?" I hear Moe say as she knocks then opens the door.

I groan and start to sit up as Moe sits on the edge of my bed.

"Moe? How'd you get in here?" I ask my voice deep since I still haven't fully woken up.

"Mal came and told me you were acting kinda strange then gave me her room key so I can come talk to you. Tobs what's wrong?"

"It's just the way Mal told me it was my birthday was the exact same way Cam used to wake me up on my birthday." I say making myself comfortable sitting on the bed.

"Oh sweetie," she says pulling me into a hug.

"Morgan, I'm older than you." I say as we let go.

"I know, I'm respecting my elders." she says laughing as I shake my head as she starts to get up.

"You better start running Brian because as soon as I catch up to you you are dead." I said as I start to slowly get up and she runs out the door and I quickly run out to follow her.

She leads us to the dinning room where everyone is and when I run in everyone is singing me happy birthday which makes me smile.

After the serenade is over I go over to Mal and apologize.

"It's good Tobs, I love you." she says giving me a side hug and I kiss her head.

"I love you too Mal Pal." I say and go back to my regular seat beside Alex and Morgan.

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