17| Something Very Wrong (Talex) Pt. 2

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A/N  Okay a very long time ago (like last summer) I made a One shot (chapter 6 if you want to re-read) and I was just re-reading some of my old comments and I saw a few of you wanted a part 2 so I decided to make a part 2 now so I hope y'all enjoy.

(Right after the ending of last chapter)

Tobin's POV

"What if I want my girlfriend back?" I ask looking up at her, taking her hands in mine.

"Then I wouldn't mind that either." she says and starts leaning in as do I.

The second her lips hit mine I instantly feel like we're back in our-my apartment in PDX and nothing from the past 3 months have happened but it was over way to soon.

"You know I've missed that so much." she says almost breathlessly as I place my forehead on hers.

"Almost as much as I've missed it." I say just before Lex's phone went off that causes the both of us to groan.

She slowly backs away and grabs her phone and her face just drops.

"Hey what's up." I ask stepping to her.

"Allie is gonna kill me." she said tossing her phone onto her messy bed.

"Hey, I'll just go get her and everything will be fine, okay love?" I ask grabbing her hand and she just nods taking a deep breath.

I kiss her forehead once before letting go over her hand and walking to the door.

"Harry?" I ask before walking into her and Lindsey's room.

"Yeah what's up? Where's Alex?" she asks standing up, phone in hand and  I can tell she's aggravated.

"Hey, let's calm down for a sec." I say staying in the doorway blocking her from walking to find Alex.

"Harry. Move." she says, knuckles turning white from clenching her fists to hard.

"Allie! Calm down for a second okay? Alex is in our room and we were just talking."

"Oh so she finally decided to talk to you after 2 and a half months!" she says sarcastically.

"Yes Allie she did and she actually listened to me to when I was talking." I say crossing my arms across my chest.

"I am listening to you Tobin but I've also listened to you for the past couple of months when you've been completely broken from her. I was also here for you last night when you two had a yelling match. I know that you deserve the best and so does she I just don't know if it's the two of you together."

Alex's POV

I heard every word that Allie said and it's probably-no it is true. Tobin deserves so much better than me.

I quickly write a note to Tobin saying I was just going to talk to Christen for a minute about our up coming game against Columbia and placed it on my bed where she could see it before quietly sneaking into Hope's room hoping that Hope was there alone.

"Hey Al, what's up?" Carli asks and a small smile spreads across my face when Hope notices the pretty much fear in my eyes and can tell I want to talk to her alone.

"Car, can you leave us to talk for a bit. I'll text you when you can come back." Hope says putting her book down on the nightstand.

"Yeah sure. I'll talk to you later Alex." she says putting a hand on my shoulder as she passed and I nodded.

"What's up now Baby Horse?" Hope asks once the door is fully closed and I start to walk over to sit in front of her. "Did you talk with Tobin?"

"Yeah, I talked, she understood, we kissed." I said the last part barely audible.

"Wait, what was that last one?" Hope persists.

"We kissed." I said looking down and fidgeting with my hands.


"Then my phone went off." I said slightly raising my hands before throwing them back onto my lap.

"Oh, you got cock blocked." Hope said starting to understand nodding her head following what I was saying. "Who was it."

"Allie say 'Come to my room. We need to talk. Now.'" I say recalling what was sent.

"Was she mad at you or something?" she asks trying to gauge the situation.

"Yeah. She's pissed at me." I say letting out a big breath like I do when I miss a shot.

"Why's Allie pissed at you? Surely Tobin's the one who should be pissed."

"Allie's mad because she's seen what I've done to destroy Tobin, she's seen more of Tobin's vulnerable side than anyone because I broke her so much. She's seen her best friend, her Harry  get absolutely torn apart because what I did! She has every right to be pissed at me." I say standing up starting to pace. "I destroyed the one person I've ever loved the most into so many pieces and just left Allie to pick it all up and try and put her back together!"

"Hey Hey Hey. Alex calm down. What you did severely hurt Tobin but if she could understand I'm sure Allie could to." Hope says putting both her arms on my shoulders, and all I could see were her almost stormy grey eyes.

Suddenly she lets go of me and grabs her phone and texts someone and less than 5 seconds after the door bursts open and Tobin jogs into the room with Allie walking in slowly.

"Tobs, come on a walk with me for a sec." Hope says dragging Tobin out of the room before she can say anything and I just take a seat on Hope's bed and I can hear the springs of the other bed rickets as Allie sits on the edge.

"Why'd you do it?" she asks after moments of silence.

"There was a lot going on Al." I say not looking up from the floor boards that suddenly looked really interesting.

"To much to tell your girlfriend that you were leaving?" she asks and I can tell she's getting frustrated.

"Al, do you really want to know what was going on?" I ask looking up and she just nods. "Tobin and I got in a fight because I was jealous of the amount of time you got to spend with her when I had to do all the media after the World Cup and I somehow ended up in a bar with some random guy hitting on me and the next thing I remember is waking up next to him naked and I got scared so I ran away." I finish my rant and by the end of it I walking around tears slipping out of my eyes.

I look up and her eyes are on the ground and I could practically see the gears shifting in her head so I just stood up and leave the room.


I might do a part three if people want me to but I also want to know if you guys would be good with some You/USWNT one shots, leave requests in the comments and as always,

Vote, Comment, Do What You Want

Xo, Liz

P.S Wishing happy late birthdays to Whit and Sonny and happy early birthday to Pressy!

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