13| TobinxHope

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Hope's POV

I sat there blaming myself. Blaming myself for letting in that early goal. Blaming myself for not stopping those PKs. Blaming myself for letting the team down.

I was sitting in my locker face in my hands when I felt someone come up and sit beside me on my right side so I knew it wasn't just Mallory going to her locker just left of mine.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about this. We're fine." I hear my girlfriend Tobin Heath say putting her hand on my leg.

"I'm not even mad about the game. Tobs, I did it again. I went out to the press and spoke my mind and I know it was wrong but I've said it now and I can't take it back." I say rambling and she just moves down and crouches in front of me and grabs my hands and looking into my eyes.

"Hope, It can't be as bad as 2007." she says sincerely.

"What did you even say anyways?" she asks.

"I called them cowards." I say looking down at my lap and she just laughs at me.

"Hope, Ryan wouldn't find that offensive." she says and I just shrug.

"Hey, babe talk to me." she says gently lifting my head with her hand so I'm looking at her brown eyes.

"I don't want you to see that side of me." I say ashamed of myself.

"Hope. I've seen every side of you." she says looking straight into what she calls my stormy eyes.

"But you haven't been around when I've been destroyed by the media." I say starting to get frustrated.

"Hope, I wasn't there because you didn't know me. I still knew that you were just speaking your beautiful, wonderful mind and being confident in your craft. I still looked up with you."

"I just don't want you to be surprised when this blows up in my face."

"Hope, if anyone finds that offensive then they're the ones who need to grow up."


"Hope I'm sorry to tell you that US Soccer has decided that after your comments after the Olympics that you are suspended for six months and your contract has been terminated." my coach Jill Ellis says and I can feel my heart drop.

"What do you mean suspension AND contract termination??!!" Tobin yells standing up from beside me before I can stop her.

"It's not my decision Tobin, I'm just the messenger." she say almost like she's afraid of Tobin.

"But you had the chance to ask questions or object it! We don't get that option." she says getting extremely mad.

"I did, I don't have as much power as you think I do Heath." Jill says getting equally as mad as Tobin.

"Stop it both of you! Jill, thank you for telling me, you can go." I say and Jill nods and leaves without another word.

Once Jill's gone I turn to look at Tobin and just collapse into her arms and just start sobbing into her shoulder while she just whispers soft nothings in my ear moving us so we were cuddling on the couch.

"Don't worry Hope, we're going to fight this and we're gonna get you back on the team before six months are over."


"Hope, Hope, Hope, Hope!" the team started shouting as I walked into the locker room for the first time in 4 months with Tobin behind me and I can tell she's smiling like on idiot.

"I told you you'd be back." Heather O'Reilly says patting my back.

"Thanks coach."



Just a little idea I've been playing with while I've been in class so I'm sorry it's really short I had no idea how many words it was but yeah.

I've been reading a lot on Archiveofourown.org and it has a lot of different pairings and I really liked this one for some reason but... whatever.

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Xo, Liz

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