7| MalxTobs Pt. 2

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Idea from tbpandtswiftfan

Mal's POV

We had just gotten back from practice when Tobin asked me if I wanted to go our for ice cream with some of the team and I had said sure and that I just wanted to go to her and I's room for a second to put my stuff away and grab my phone.

We met back downstairs in the lobby where waited for Allie, Alex, JJ, Hope, Lindsey, Moe, Kling, Ali and Ash.

Slowly they all got down until we were just waiting on Ali and Ashlyn. 

"How much do you wanna bet that they're havin-" Tobin started to say before Hope covered her mouth.

"Tobin! There are little kids here!" Alex scolds.

"Hey, I'm not that little." I groan.

"You're not the only little kid here, there's Moe and JJ-" 

"And Kling," Moe interrupts Allie.

"I'm not little! I'm 27 almost 28!" Kling yells out.

"Changing the subject!" Hope says giving everyone her bitch face.

"While you guys were fighting I texted Ash and she said to go without them cuz they're'busy'" Tobin says putting her phone in her back pocket while air quoting the busy part.

"Okay let's go!" I say starting to walk out the door but being pulled back by Hope.

"And what makes you in such a rush?" she asks.

I just shrug and slow down so I'm at the back with Tobin walking side by side.

"You okay Stud?" she asks as we cross a intersection but it's quickly followed by a loud horn throwing me into reliving my dream from last night.

Before I know what's going on I fall over scraping my elbow pretty badly and everyone is surrounding me asking me what just happened and all I can do is look over to Tobin who seems to understand because she said to everyone to just back away and give me some space and they do as told.

"Mal, talk to me what's going on?" she says squatting down to my level since I'm still on the ground.

"It happened again Toby, I saw it again. I saw you all d- di-" I try and say but just end up crying.

"Shhh, baby girl I understand. I'll go tell the girls to go on without us and we'll go back to hotel okay? Do you have your room key?" she says pulling me into a tight hug while I just nod.

After a second she lets go and goes to the group to where I guess she tells them to go ahead.

She comes back and helps me up then we start walking back to the hotel in an awkward silence.

"Mal, we can't keep this between us if this keeps happening okay?" she says reaching for my hand and I just nod as her hand reaches mine.

We finally get to my hotel room and Tobin comes in with me to clean my cut on my elbow from when I fell.

"Mal Pal, come on I need to clean that." she says walking towards the bathroom and I follow her.

After we finish we go into my room and watch tv for a bit before there was a knock on the door, I go to get up but the door opens first and Hope, Alex, Allie, Moe, JJ, Lindsey and Kling walk in with an ice cream each except Hope and Alex have two.

"Hey MP, Tobs." Allie says with a small smile.

They all lay down on one of the beds so it was Moe, Kling, JJ and Lindsey on Morgan's bed and Allie, Hope, Alex, Tobin and I on mine .

Alex hand one of her ice creams to Tobin while Hope hands me her extra one.

"Heard you liked vanilla," she says as we both get comfortable, or as comfortable as one can get with 5 people on one bed and I nod.

"Can we just talk about what happened for a minute?" Lindsey asks cautiously and Tobin looks at me and I just nod telling her it's okay to tell them.

"Well, this morning I woke up at like 1 or 2 in the morning and Mal was crying in her sleep. She had a bad dream and..." she said but trailed off looking towards me.

"What happened in the dream Mally?" Alex asked rubbing my shoulder.

"I woke up late and I was late for the bus and and" I started but started crying to much to talk.

Everyone looked towards Tobin who was looking at me and I just look at her with pleading eyes trying to get her to tell them instead of making me.

She just takes a deep breath.

"When she got on the bus Alex said 'Nice of you to join us Pugh,' and then Linds said 'Don't worry about them, you'll be the one laughing when you make a fool of them in scrimmage.' and then the bus got hit by a semi and... we all died in front of her," she says slowly.

"Wait, is that why you wanted to switch with Lindsey today, because we said the same things in real life?" Alex asks and Tobin just nods. "Mal, I'm so so sorry. I didn't know." she says hugging me.

"Hold up, you guys said the exact same things as she heard in her dream?" Allie asked skeptically and I nod. 

"The exact same thing." I say without looking up from my hands.

"Can you guys leave me alone with the kid for a minute?" Hope says out of nowhere.

I'm guessing everyone nodded since everyone just left.

Once the door was closed I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Mal, you could've came and talked to me, you know that right?" she says gently letting go and looking at me in the eyes.

"Yeah, I guess." I say looking away a bit.

"Hey, I'm not only a big bad keeper. I'm a big teddy bear sometimes too okay munchkin?" 

I nod, "Thank you Hopey," 

"It's okay Mal Pal,"



This was kinda short but it was over a thousand words so...

Thank you tbpandtswiftfan for the idea, it was a great idea.

Hopefully I'll have another one shot ready by the end of the week end but no promises.

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Xo, Liz

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