5| MalxTobs

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Requested by @uswntforever_

Tobin's POV
I woke up to wailing and sobs coming from the other side of the room where my roommate Mallory Pugh was sleeping so I got up and walked as quietly as I could to her bed and gently started shaking her.

"Mal, Mal, Mallory!" I said each time getting gradually louder.

She suddenly sat up panting heavily.

She looked over at me with wide eyes and instantly wrapped her arms around me.

"Hey, what's wrong MP?" I ask pulling her closer to me.

"You were gone an-and Hope and-d Kling and Moe. You were all g-gone. Because of me." she sobbed out.

"That's never gonna happen Mal, we've got your back. Just calm down and tell me what happened in your dream."

The Dream

Mal's POV

I was late getting on to the bus for practice only by a few minutes but everyone except my bus buddy Lindsey was mad and cranky.

"Nice of you to join us Pugh." Alex said sarcastically from the row behind me.

"Don't worry about them, you'll be the one laughing when you make a fool of them in scrimmage." Linds laughed out and I just faked a smile knowing that I'll probably choke before getting any decent shot off especially if it's on the best keeper in the world.

After a while of driving we were pulling through an intersection when a semi drove straight into the side of the bus, flipping it on to the side and Ashlyn and Ali, who were sitting in the row next to us, came smashing into me  as I slammed into Lindsey who had the window seat.

I could feel blood pouring down the side of my face and I reached my hand up to wipe it away but came in contact with Ashlyn's head first and I looked over and saw her eyes wide open and I knew in that moment she was dead.

I started looking around to see if anyone was awake but all my eyes could focus on was Hope's eye trained directly at me and Kling's half smile looking towards Moe who was underneath her. Then I saw Tobin right behind me giving her million dollar smile looking towards the front of the bus.

I had killed them. I had just killed the entire US Women's National Team.

End Of The Dream

Tobin's POV

Right when she finished describing her dream I pulled her in as close to me as possible.

"That would never happen baby girl. You know Alex would never say those things to anyone let alone you and even if that did happen you didn't kill us. That stupid driver in the semi did. Not you." I whisper in her ear but she pulled away.

"I did kill you. If I had gotten to the bus on time we wouldn't have been in the intersection at that time." she said but I quickly said.

"Stop Mal. Even if you did I think I could speak for all of us, we would put our lives at risk before yours. Let's face it, we're getting up the in age. You've got a full life ahead of you."

"Thank you Tobs." she said in relief.

"You're welcome. Now get some sleep." I said starting to walk back to my bed but get stopped by Mal grabbing my arm.

"Wait. Toby will you come sleep with me?"

"Of course move over a bit." I say getting into her bed.

---------------Next Day--------------------

I woke up around 9:45 with Mal still in my arms from the night before.

"Mal," I gently shook her awake and she groaned in response.

"Breakfasts in 15, we should probably get ready."I say and she nods starting to get up and I do the same.

After I finish I turn to see Mal sitting on the edge of her bed and I go to sit next to her.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Let's head down." she says grabbing her phone and key and starting to walk to the door.

When we get to the team dining room we get our food together then split to our different tables, she went to go sit with the newbies and I went to sit with most of the 15ers.

"Hey Tobs," Ash says from across the table as I sit down.

"Hey." I say rubbing my eye.

"You okay? You seem tired." Alex says from beside me.

"Yeah, you know we aren't all in their mid-twenties Alex. Some of us are old." I joked.

"Shut up Heath. You can start saying that when you get to my age." Hope says laughing lightly.

"No but seriously, you seem tired like you haven't slept in a while." Carli says from beside Hope. "How'd you sleep last night?"

"I slept well until like 1 or 2 in the morning when Mal started crying in her sleep. She had a pretty intense nightmare."

"Dang, Hope the kid's okay." Moe says.

"You're just glad you aren't the kid anymore." JJ says laughing.

"Shut up J your only like a year older than me."

After breakfast Mal and I went back up to our room and she just laid back down on her bed and took a nap since we had a few hours before practice today.

I went on my laptop and before I knew it there was only 45 minutes till we had to be on the bus so I woke Mally up and got my stuff ready and headed down to the bus.

Mal's POV

I couldn't find my ear buds so I was a little late to the bus.

"Nice of you to join us Pugh." Alex says.

'Oh no, this isn't my dream is it?' I thought to myself.

I sat down next to Lindsey and she said, "Don't worry about them, you'll be the one laughing when-" she got cut off by Tobin saying, "Lindsey, switch."

All Lindsey could do was nod so Alex got up and so did I so Tobs and Linds could switch.

When we sat back down Tobin pulled me in close and said, "Don't worry. It's not your dream. You're okay, we're okay."

Sorry this took so long I went camping with my fam for a week and it was pretty good.

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Xo, Liz

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