10| I Can't Do It Alone

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Idea from Infinitefanfic

Tobin Heath has been walking around with her head down ever since her team, the United States Women's National Soccer Team lost to Sweden. Everyone on her team has been trying to cheer her up but no one could until 18 year old Mallory Pugh came up with the idea to surprise her with a Skype video chat with two of her best friends, Lauren Holiday and Amy Rodriguez.

"Hey Tobs, can we talk in your room?" Mal asks Tobin after they finish a team lunch after Tobin's roommate Alex Morgan gave Mallory the signal that everything was set up in their room.

"Yeah sure, you okay?" she says standing up with Mal and they start walking to the elevator to get to the team floor.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a sec, I need to get something from my room." Mal says when the elevator door opens and quickly walks to her room she shared with teammate Morgan Brian while Tobin is left in the hallway by herself.

She shrugs and continues her way to her room.

As she walks in she calls out 'Lex' to see if Alex is there but all she hears as she gets further into the room is, "Not Lex Toby."

"Cheney?!?!!" Tobin screams and rushes into the room and sees a laptop on her bed with Skype open and Lauren and Arod on video. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, a little teenager called us and said our best friend was being hard on herself." Amy said and the smile on Tobin's face fades a bit.

"Tobs, you know your good enough to be on the team," Lauren says.

"I know I was but now..." Tobin says starting to sit down on the bed beside the laptop.

"Tobin Powell Heath." Lauren says in a stern voice and Tobin just looks down and starts to fidget with her hands. "What do you mean was? What changed?"

"You want to know what changed?" Tobin asked anger starting to show in her voice while Lauren and Amy nod. "I've had to go to the Olympics without my best friends which I've done everything major in my career with and then got kicked out at the Quarter-Finals, which you know is unheard of from us. That's what changed."

"Tobin, look at me. You know I'll be back on the pitch and hopefully back on the team next year at the most." Amy says.

"And for the Quarter-Final thing, you'll be back stronger and better than ever. Besides, it wasn't yours or anyone else's fault. You've been playing the best soccer of your career and this is your one hiccup this year." Cheney says  and Tobin looks back up at her with a smile.

"I guess," she says.

"Don't guess, you are." Tobin hears an all to familiar voice say.

"Abby?" she asks as Abby's head pops on the screen.

"The one and only kid." Abby says.

"You know I'm like old right and not a kid anymore?" Tobin says laughing.

"Once you get to Hope's or Carli's age then you can say that Heath," Abby replies.

"Oh shut it Wambach." Tobin says laughing.

"But really, promise that you'll go back to your smiley laid-back amazing person that you were before, Hope and Carli both called me worried about you in last few days."

"I will I promise." Tobin says confidently but sincerely.

"Good now we got to go and you have an 18 year old to go thank." Cheney says smiling while Tobs nods.

"Alright I guess I should. I'll miss you guys, we'll talk later. Bye!" Tobin says waving.

"Definitely! We'll miss you too. Bye Toby." Cheney says as the three of them wave goodbye.

"I'm going to kill you Chens if you don't stop with that nickname." Tobin says laughing.

"I seriously doubt that." she says laughing before ending the call.

Tobin laughs as someone knocks on the door and sees Mallory. 

"Sorry it took so long." Mal says smiling widely.

"Get over here kid!" Tobs says arms open wide for Mal to jump into them and Mal does just that. 

"Thank you." Tobin whispers into her ear.

"You would've done the same for anyone of us." Mallory says still in Tobin's arm.

"Us?" Tobin questions but before she can even finish the word the door opens once more and the team files in and joins the midfielder and forwards little hug and made one giant hug.

"You were all apart of this?" Tobin asks.

"We all helped but it was all Mally's idea." Christen said and Tobin just looks at Mal and says,

"Gosh, I love you kid"



New One Shot!

Sorry it's kinda shorter than usual but it's currently 1:30 Am and I need sleep so that's what I'm gonna go do.

Keep the requests coming in and I'll try to write them soon!

Vote, Comment, Do What You Want.

Xo, Liz

P.S Thanks for 2.4K reads!!

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