19| You're The Only One I Trust To Do This

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It was today that Christen had been both dreading yet, couldn't wait to begin. With nerves continuously spreading through her body like a wildfire in an endless forest she was resistent to get out of bed at all but with the sight of the love of her life beside her, she found the courage and the need to get out of bed before her other half wakes.

With a shaky breath and one last look at the velvet box before stuffing it in the front pocket of the bag, Christen wrote a small note on a sticky note and sticking it to Tobin's forehead, the only place Tobin would notice before taking off to find Julie and Allie.

"Jules, I freaking out! I don't know how I'm gonna do anything!" Christen says waving her hands frantically pacing.

"Christen. Calm. Down. You've two have been dating forever and the way you feel about each other won't ever change." Julie says stopping in front of her and grabbing her arms.

"Dude, Tobin loves you, you love Tobin, that's what matters. You could be in the middle of a game and you walk up beside her and just ask handing her a ring then run off and score. But please don't do that." Allie says walking up behind Julie putting a hand on Christen's shoulder.

Christen shakes her head and hands trying rid herself of her nerves.

"And besides, if you don't propose soon, she will." Allie laughs out and Christen just nods evening out her breathing. 

"We'll do our part, now go do yours." Julie says pushing Christen towards the door.

"Go kill em tiger." Allie yells at her causing Press to shake her head at her girlfriend's best friend.


Tobin's POV

I woke up to the creak of the door opening and out of instinct I reached up to block the rising sun from my face but I only contact a sticky note on my forehead.

Morning Babe, I went to get us coffee but knowing you, you'll wake up when I open the door. Love you, CP23.

"I was righhhhtttt." I hear her say leaning against the wall by the door with two coffees in her hands.

"You almost always are." I say pulling a grin on my face as I sit up and she walks over, sitting beside me giving me a peck before handing me my coffee.

I lean my head into the crook of her neck as a sweet silence overcomes us as we both float off into our own heads and of course the only place my mind goes is how the best part about being in camp is getting to spend all of my free time with Christen especially when it's during the season when it's been weeks of not being able to see each other with the long NWSL season.

"What are you thinking about beautiful?" Chris asks leaning her head so hers is on top of mine.

"You, us. How much I missed you. How madly in love I am with you. You know the usual." I say smiling up at her.

"Well, we do have an off day. I was thinking maybe we could go out on a date, just the two of us."

"Well, a date day with you seems like the best thing I could dream of, where do you want to go?" I question taking a sip of my coffee.

"My treat, you'll find out later. Be ready in ten okay? I'll go get us a car from Jill." she says giving me a quick kiss before standing again.

"Okay, casual?" I ask which she then confirms before going to go talk to Jill.

With two minutes to spare I'm ready and go to check my phone seeing some messages from Alex and one from Chris.

Al Pal: Hey Allie and I were going to go get coffee, want to come?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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