Chapter 12

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Emma’s POV

Margret grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen. Joseph followed not far behind. “Emma it’s 4:00 in the morning.” He said raising his voice at me. “What were you thinking?” Margret looked from me to him. “Honey, she doesn’t know any better.”

Sophie scoffed. “Was she raised by wolves?”

“No.” replied Derrick, who was half sleep. “Apparently by cavemen.” I forwarded my eyebrows at him. I looked back at Margret and Joseph. Margret sighed, “Okay, enough. It’s late. Let’s finish this in the morning.” She came over to me and hugged me.

“Poor thing, you must be exhausted. When did you wake up?”

“I didn’t wake up.” She gave me a worried look.

“Have you been having trouble sleeping?”

I shrugged and said, “I don’t sleep.”

“You mean, not tonight.” Derrick asked.

“I mean not ever.”

 Joseph cleared this throat and spoke. “Emma, you’ve been here for over a week now and your saying you haven’t slept, not even once?” I shook my head.

Margret’s POV

            I turned my head and looked at Joey. I can’t believe she didn’t tell us. I guess we can wait until tomorrow to see what we can do because it’s too early and everybody is half awake right now.

                                                            4 hours later…

            It’s been about 4 hours since the whole Emma no sleeping thing. And by how slow everyone is this morning, I can tell their still very tired. I leaned on the counter and almost fell asleep until I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Joey’s done getting ready. When he walked in here, he greeted everyone and kissed me like every morning. He sighed.

“I only have about an hour. How about you, you have to go in?”

“No, I took time off to be with Emma.” I said, as I grabbed the apple and orange juice from the fridge. I took a quick glance of Emma and Derrick eating in silence. I wonder what their thinking.

Emma’s POV

The numbers represented time, which they never seemed to get enough of.

“So, ill tell you why Emma hasn’t slept for ten days.” Derrick said breaking the silence. “She’s an alien.” Margret laughed. “She’s not an alien.”

Derrick took a bite out of his banana and shook his head in disagreement.

“Well I haven’t seen her sleep and her bed is right next to mine.”

“That’s because you fall asleep before she does.” Said Joseph “Let’s save the imagination for summer school, kiddo.” Margret demanded.

She grabbed a banana out the fruit bowl, as Sophie calls it, and started peeling it.

“That reminds me, no more XBOX until you finish every single assignment this summer.” She reminded. Derrick stayed silent. Margret raised her eyebrow. “Understood?” Discipline. I like it! I smile lightly. He muttered a ‘yeah’ and walked out the kitchen.

Just as Derrick left, Sophie came rushing in. “I’m gone.” “Breakfast?” “No time Mom.” She gave Margret and Joseph a quick kiss and rush out the door.

How could she not have any? It seemed to be all they talked about.

Margret’s POV

“Mom, there’s a detective here to see you!” I quickly wiped my hands, grabbed Joey and Emma moving all of us to the living room. “Emma this is Detective Jorgen and he is going to help us figure out where you came from.” She nodded her head.

“Emma, you said the last thing you remember is being in the woods. How did you get there?” Emma shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know.” Jorgen wrote in his book.

“Do you remember why you weren’t wearing any clothes?”

She turned and looked at me. I wasn’t sure if she was thinking back to that moment or thinking about telling him or not. Looking back at Jorgen she said, “I don’t remember ever having any.” He sighed.

“Okay, um how old are you?” Clearly shocked from the no clothes thing.

This time I stepped in. “We don’t know. We’re guessing around 16.” He nodded and kept asking questions.

“Where did you live before here?”

“Nowhere.” She looked down at her lap and then at me. “I’m sorry. I just don’t remember.” I smiled weakly. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”

After Jorgen was finished questioning her, he pulled me and Joey outside.

“I wish I could report more progress, but no one’s even filed a missing person’s report that fits Emma’s description.”

“No one’s even noticed she was gone?” I yelled. “How could that be? She has to have come from somewhere.” I looked at Joey.

“Someone has to be missing her.” Jorgen put his phone in his pocket. “Well maybe she left a bad situation at home.”

“You think Emma’s a runaway?” Joey asked.

“Or something terrible happened to her.” I folded my arms.

“Ive seen it in my practice; patients with amnesia caused by some traumatic experience.” I looked in the window and saw Emma was by the computer desk observing everything. Jorgen nodded. “So have I, but never to this degree. I have never seen anyone like Emma before.” I bit my bottom lip and looked back at her. 

Joseph in External Link ----->

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