Chapter 14

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Margret’s POV

            “Hi, Margret Jones. We’re here to see Dr. Stone.” Since we couldn’t find out anything about Emma with Detective Jorgen, I decided to bring her to the family doctor for a check-up.

Suddenly, we were approached by a nurse. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Jones. If you would please follow me to Dr.Stone’s office.” She said smiling. When she turned to lead the way, I grabbed Emma’s hand and followed her. We walked down a long hall until we came to a stop. She opened the door and pointed to some chairs. “Dr. Stone will be right with you.” I nodded and sat with Emma.

                                                            20 minutes later…          

          “Margret, all you wrote down on her information sheet was her name.” Stone said.

“Her name is the only thing we know about her, and even that we made up.”

“No memory, no medical history. That’s odd.” He sat down his clipboard and looked at me. I shook my head. “No. She’s like a 16-year old newborn.”

“But at least with a newborn we know who the parents are, we have a genetic history.”

“So where do we start?” I asked, hoping we could do something.

“Let me see the films.” I handed them to him. They had images of Emma’s brain activity. I could tell that something was wrong by his facial expression. Emma’s brain has mostly red on it. They said that the red symbolizes the brain activity. Her brain was doing too much. A person’s would have far less brain activity.

“They said the M.R.I Machine was broken.” I explained.

“It had to be. Nobody can produce that much brain activity.” He looked up at me with a worried look.

Then I remembered the test. That math test. That THREE HOUR LONG TEST!!!

“She does have an extraordinary aptitude for math.” He shook his head in disagreement. “Its not possible. Even a genius I.Q. wouldn’t show half these results.” I took a deep breath and looked at Emma, who was playing with the diorama of the human insides. She grabbed the heart and giggled. When she put the heart down, the next thing she grabbed was the brain. Oh boy…

Emma’s POV

            Dr. Stone sat me down and grabbed a little tool with a light. He came closer and put the part with light in my ear and put his face closer to look in my ear. I had no idea what he was looking for. When he was done looking in my ear, he nodded and grabbed a stick and told me to open my mouth. When I did he put the stick on my tongue. I don’t know why he’d think he would find what he was searching for in my mouth. Maybe it was in his.

I tilted my head like his and opened his mouth with my two fingers.  He chuckled and turned to Margret. “You know, I’m not a dentist, but are these veneers? Her teeth don’t look worn at all; they look brand new.”

“She didn’t know what a toothbrush was until I showed her.” I heard Margret say.

“Lay back, Emma.” When I laid back, I looked up and saw Margret.

 I felt my shirt come up and stop. I guess he saw my stomach. He looked at Margret for an explanation. “You tell me, Stone.”

“I never see anything like it. Its clearly a genetic anomaly.”

I know something was missing but I didn’t know why it mattered.

“A skin graft?” He asked.

“What fir? And no trace of a scar?”

Stone shrugged, “Perhaps surgery to correct an umbilical hernia.”

“Dr. Stone, I don’t think they’d wipe out the whole navel.” She said

After Stone was done I had to leave so he and Margret could talk. I sat in a room with other people then my eyes landed on a little box. It said ‘Puzzle of the Earth’. I read the instructions and it said put all the pieces together. I dumped the piece on the table and saw that the pieces go together. I smiled and got to work. That’s when I heard Dr. Stone and Margret.

“Some of her characteristics are…unusual, but she’s in excellent shape physically. Obviously, her mental health has caused the concern.”

“I’ll be working with he recover he memory but right now, im more worried that she’s not sleeping.” Margret replied with a hint of worry in her voice.

“Well if I didn’t know who I was, I’d have the same problem. She looks fine to me though, not tired at all.”

“She said she hasn’t slept in ten days. Not once. And I’ve never seen her sleep.” Margret protested.

“Okay well try giving her some Night Kwil and see how it works.”

I didn’t hear her say anything but through their whole conversation, I didn’t stop doing the puzzle. As I went along, I counted every puzzle piece. 998…999…1000.

“Oh my, how did she do that?” A woman holding a baby next to me said. Suddenly all the adults and children started cheering and clapping. I smiled wide and big. I looked over and saw Margret and Dr. Stone with shocked looks on their faces then they smiled and clapped with everyone else.

Margret’s POV

            How did she finish a 1000 piece puzzle in less than 20 minutes? Like I said this girl is full of surprises. One of the things I love about her.

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