Chapter 1

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(What I imagine Kelsey to look like)

There's a lot to explain on how I got to where I was, and where I am. Some things that have shaped me and made me the way I am. Nothing had ever been an easy ride, shit, it wasn't even a moderately difficult ride. Maybe I brought it upon myself, who knows? You learn from that shit you do, take the good with the bad and roll with it. And if you asked me today? I wouldn't change it for the world.

I guess you can say it started all the way back in the grade 3, when I moved from Scotland to London. Starting a new school was hard enough, try having a weird accent with red hair and enough freckles to fill the sky. Needless to say little kids aren't at all nice. being made fun of was something I either had to get used to or make the decision to stand up for myself. Better yet, make sure no one said anything to me ever again. That's what I decided to do.

One day I came into school and went up to the same boy who called me names every single day at recess. Without a moments hesitation he opened his mouth to say something such as "soul eater." Before he could even get the words out I pushed out my left arm and punched him as hard as I could. For the record, 9 year old me wasn't as all as strong as she thought. It was enough, however, to get him to fall down to the ground and start to cry. It didn't bother me that my teacher saw. I wanted her to see. I wanted everyone to see. This was a turning point in my school career.

That day and two key events. The first of course being hitting the kid who never got in trouble for bullying me. But the next thing, will always be the best day of my life. There's no surprise that I couldn't go outside for recess on that day, I had to stay inside with all the other troubled students. It didn't bother me much, seeing as all I did was sit and read while all the other kids played with their friends. There wasn't many children in the classroom, in fact there was only two of us. That was the day that I was introduced to Olajide, or JJ he would later tell me to call him. He was a boy a grade above me with dark skin and a loud personality. What made him stand out was that he didn't make fun of me, didn't bat an eye at what the other kids hated. Instead he introduced himself and force himself to become my best friend in the entire world.

After that, things got just a little bit easier. It wasn't that kids started to be nice to me, it was that I didn't care because I had one person being nice to me. Whenever someone said anything to me, he would stand up for me or he would laugh when I got into the other kid's face. It was the perfect set up. Hanging out at school became hanging out after school, turning into sneaking out to go to the park and try a cigarette and nearly throwing up. Getting drunk together for the hell of it and not giving a single fuck that everyone around out couldn't stand us.

We never left each other's side for 5 years. Even high school couldn't break us apart. Over the summer going into grade 9, things started to change about me. I got taller, and by taller I mean a whopping 5'1, and my freckles started to expand out. They no longer cluttered together to make me look like the actual color orange, but instead looked semi normal. That didn't stop me from wearing makeup to try and cover them up along with my other imperfections. My body started to curve out in the right places and soon I started to notice people noticing me, and not in a bad way. I liked the feeling.

The bullying had stopped by grade 9, I still didn't have any other friends except JJ, no one cared enough to bother with me, good or bad. JJ got a few new friends, just some kids that liked how obnoxious he was, even though I liked it first. It didn't stop him from being with me as much as he could. Being a grade higher than me, we never really saw each other in school except for when we skipped class, which was more often than not or at lunch. We never felt pressured to date, even though we did try practicing kissing once when I was in grade 5 and he was in grade 6, which only resulted in me punching him in the arm when he tried to put his tongue near mine. He was like the brother I never had and I felt so lucky to have found someone like that at such a young age.

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