Chapter 31 *Simon's POV*

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This was all fucked.  That was the only thing running through my head since last night.  Everything we've been through, that I put up with, how am I the one still not good enough?  Harry wasn't the one who she looked to when she was upset, or smiled at when she first woke up.  She didn't pick him the first time when she obviously should have.  I was sure her goal was to make me love her so much so that she could take every ounce of happiness away from me.

The front door slammed behind me as it seemed like I was in a permanent fury.  My intentions were to stay in a hotel tonight but it wasn't that easy for me, I had videos I needed to record.  I'd just have to avoid Kelsey by staying in my room, which wasn't that hard.  If I had anything to say about it, I would never look at her again. Despising her existence was a lot easier than accepting what actually happened.  In front of my eyes.  Right when I got her back too.

Truth is, things seemed to be dead on New Years, after her dad, she wasn't capable of showing love.  Not that I blamed her, I couldn't imagine how I would be if it were the other way around.  That's why I was patient and didn't push her, she really seemed to turn back into the happy Kelsey I loved so much last night.  Fuck I was so good to her and this was my repayment.  Worst part is, I wanted more than anything for her to break down and tell me it would never happen again.  It would work, I would believe her in a second.  She had that kind of talent, over me at least.  My bet was those sparkling green eyes or rosy red smile.  Who could resist?

No.  She fucked me over.  Kelsey was the bad guy here and I needed to get that through my weak head.  All those times she asked me not to let her push me away and she had to go and fuck something so good up. Forgiveness wasn't an option at this point, everyone must have known by now and that would make me look like a pussy.  People go through break ups all the time, this one wasn't any different.

And yet, even I knew that wasn't true.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts, it must have been Tobi or Ethan checking up on me.  It was annoying, being treated like I was going to go off the deep end.  Like they knew something I didn't and I should be reacting some different type of way.

I opened the door and it wasn't either of the two guys I assumed it would be.  In fact it was the last person I would ever want to see at this point.  The look on his face was hard and urgent at the same time.

"What the fuck do you want?"  I spat angrily.  My hands twitched from how easy it would be to lunge at him. 

"I'm not here for you, where's Kelsey?"  Harry had the audacity to roll his eyes.  After everything and he seriously had an attitude with me.

Taking a step back, more so I didn't do something I regretted rather than to let him inside I said, "I don't know, don't really care.  She's probably in her room and now you two can do whatever the fuck you want because we're done."

His face transformed in the middle of my response.  "Are you kidding me?  You broke up with her after I basically forced her to kiss me?  I came here to apologize to her and you actually left Kelsey for doing nothing wrong.  Where the fuck is she?  Now I really need to make sure she's okay no thanks to you."

Oh fuck. What did I do?  If Harry was telling the truth, and it didn't seem like something to lie about, then I just made the biggest mistake of my life.  I told the person I loved more than anything in this world that I didn't want to be near her anymore because of something she had no control over.  She must have been reliving Aaron all over again and this time she had the people she trusted the most turn away from her.  This morning she tried to tell me and I basically told her that our love was gone.

For that reason I bolted for the stairs without responding to Harry's remarks, I'd deal with him later.  My long legs were able to bring me to her bedroom in record timing.  But when I busted through the door I wasn't greeted with my fiery, beautiful girl.  There was no one there.

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