Chapter 2

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    The only thing that got me through school after that was talking to JJ, which I could have done the whole time if I wasn't so angry.  Even though he wanted me to, I still refused to watch his videos.  It's one thing to support him, it's another thing to have his fame slap me right in the face.  It was so great to have him back in my life, we talked on the phone every single day.  He told me all about his friends and roommates, how he was living on his own now with his 3 friends.  They were all able to afford a nice house because of YouTube.  Basically I was green with envy but tried my best not to come across as such.

    There were times when he'd call and I'd been tempted to not pick up, the anger still deep inside me, but the mere fact that his promise to get me out of here is what kept me going.  In the end I was sure it would be another empty promise from just another guy who hurt me, but the hope is what got me up in the morning. 

    JJ wanted to come to my graduation, but I didn't even bother going, instead having my diploma sent to me by mail because no one would have clapped for me anyway.  I still hadn't applied to any colleges because school just wasn't what I've been wanting to do.  Once I turned 16 I started working at a bartender at my local pub, I didn't need the money, and had no friends to go spend it with, so over the past two years I've accumulated quite a lot of cash.  I call it my "getting the fuck out of here" fund.

    One day over the summer, I was doing nothing as usual when JJ calls me.  Which wasn't out of the ordinary.

    "What's up?"

    "Kelsey, I've got to tell you something.  But you can't be mad, it's good news."

    "So what would I be mad about?"

    "I'm getting you out."

    "What are you on about JJ?"

    "I had to sort it all out of course but you're going to come stay here, with me and my mates.  We have an extra bedroom, it's a really nice place and they're good people.  It's happening Kells."

    "A-are you serious?"  My heart was racing with excitement even though I did my best to keep my hopes low.  Nothing ever worked out for me and suddenly I get the opportunity to just leave and be with my best friend?  This was too good to be true.

    "By the end of this week all you need to do is pack your stuff and flip off everyone in that shithole.  This is the part where you're going to be mad, bloody hell.  It's kind of funny really, but you see, the apartment, where I live, it's only like 2 hours away from you."

    My excitement skipped a beat, being washed away quickly with seething anger and betrayal.  "Say that again?"

    "Okay I can sense you're mad, but hear me out.  I didn't at first, obviously and by the time I came here you hadn't talked to me in a year, there was no way I could tell you.  I had no idea if you even still lived in the same house.  Let's not ruin this good day yeah?  I told you we were gonna get out together Kells, one of us just had to test out the waters first."

    All that week was spent packing and breaking it to my parents that I was leaving and hopefully not coming back anytime soon.  They knew as well as me that getting out was the only option at this point.  Of course they were more the skeptical of just walking out and going to live with 4 guys even if one of them is JJ.  It was fucking insane, I'm sure they must have thought I was straight up mental.  Maybe I was, but no one ever got anywhere by hesitating and overthinking.  The most exciting moments in a person's life is when they just say fuck it and dive head first into something. 

    There wasn't much I had to bring, Dad helped me load my bed up to the top of my shitbox I call a car.  It looked like it was about to cave any second.  And I brought everything else I saw fit, my TV, my Xbox, my clothes, all 60 pounds of makeup I owned.  I didn't come with much else.  Friday couldn't come fast enough until it did, and then it felt like only seconds went by. 

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