Chapter 22

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My eyes kept going to the mirror every second I tried to finish getting ready. Today was the day of my cousin's wedding and for some reason I was nervous. It had been a while since I seen Analeigh, or most of my family for that matter. They all knew about my hardships during school and for them to see me doing well felt like a lot of pressure.

Mostly it was introducing Simon to my parents that had me worried. Of course they were going to be there and they didn't know anything about my love life. Simon didn't exactly know that, he talked about me a lot to his mom, dad, and brothers but my family wasn't the same. They weren't going to welcome him with open arms. Aaron ruined that for everyone, along with my parents being able to like and trust the next person I introduce them to.

The dress I bought specifically for the day was a long, navy blue, lacy gown with a neckline that dipped down into a heart, giving me the right about of cleavage. My heels were silver with sparkles, they were high enough so that I was up to Simon's shoulders. I spent a long time on my makeup and hair, wanting to look nice but not wanting to out stage Analeigh which would be impossible anyway.

"Babe, you almost ready? The drive is pretty far so we should- whoa." Simon walked into the bathroom where I was getting ready. His eyes raked up and down my body, lingering on my breasts a little longer. I would have scolded him for being such a boy but my mouth couldn't find the words to speak. There was Simon, in a black suit with a tie that matched my dress. The fabric clung tightly to his broad shoulders and he had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. That was my boyfriend, who my entire family was going to meet today.

"You look so sexy," his word choice was a lot less charming than he looked but that's okay. It still managed to make my stomach do summersaults. Someone like him was somehow enchanted by someone like me.

Playing it cool as opposed to the screaming in my head, I shrugged. "You're looking pretty godly yourself, Minter. My aunts will be coming after you."

He laughed before walking over to stand behind me and look at us in the mirror. "Promise not to let them steal my heart."

"Aunt Helen won't give you much of a choice."

It was me, JJ, and Simon in the car together, we decided to hire ourselves a driver instead of driving all the way to Scotland which was nearly 7 hours away. The back of the stretched SUV had a mini fridge full of small bottles of champagne, even though it was early in the morning JJ and I couldn't help it. We loved to drink. I blamed it on the Scottish in me while JJ claimed that him being friends with me for so long got him chugging beer like it's water. Simon didn't look like he approved, drinking before breakfast, eventually giving in when I waved a bottle in front of his face.

JJ patted him on the back, "you're going to need it to meet her family. Trust, they're even crazier than she is."

"Not true!" I mocked an offended gasp. Yeah, they were fucking batty but Simon already had a flushed face from Jide's comment. Today was going to be interesting, that's for sure.

We did our best to pace ourselves with the alcohol, not wanting to be trashed before the reception. By the time we found the small chapel that was in the middle of nowhere we were slightly buzzed and late. With my family, being late was a blessing. They would have been too preoccupied with Simon, and Analeigh's big day would have been missed. We could save the embarrassing questions for after the bride and groom say I do.

Thankfully no one noticed the three of us slip into the back right before the wedding party came walking down the aisle in their charming suits and beautiful lavender dresses. The bridesmaids consisted of Analeigh's friends she met at college, they were nice girls, often got their names confused and her maid of honor was Elizabeth, my other cousin and Analeigh's sister. Kevin looked handsome in his tuxedo. He was huge, with muscles the size of my head. Tattoos scattered from his neck all the way down to his feet. Everyone assumed he was some kind of bully, they couldn't be any more wrong. To the right people, Kevin was a big teddy bear. Still, he used his look when he needed to, I wouldn't be surprised if he threw Simon around tonight. He did it to JJ when they first met, nearly had him in tears.

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