Chapter 10

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Like we did all the time, we sat down on the floor in a huge circle, which was kind of weird without JJ.  For the near month I've been here there hadn't been a time when JJ wasn't with me when nearly all the boys came over.  It was nerve wrecking, especially because I was certain Simon was up to something.  Although part of me wanted to stay on guard and not drink, the two drinks already in my system were forcing me to do differently. 

    The seating was not how it always was.  Usually I found myself in between Simon and Harry, but tonight Simon was on the complete opposite side of the circle, next to Ethan and Vik.  Harry was still next to me while Josh was on my other side, Cal and Callum were across from each other.  Cal was in the middle of saying something that made the other boys laugh.  I really liked him in the way I liked JJ where I wanted to be his best friend.  All the while Simon had a marker in hand and was writing things down on a lot of paper.  From here I couldn't see what he was doing.

    "Alright," he started, putting the marker next to him.  This game is a little different than something like truth or dare.  Basically we'll all go in order with statements and on these pieces a paper are everyone's names, enough for each of us to have all the names of who is in the room.  The idea is to pick the person who mostly relates to the statement, who ever gets the most votes has to drink, make sense?"  Even though I knew he was mostly talking to me, I'm sure I was the only one who didn't know how to play, he refused to make eye contact with me.  He was also drinking a lot more, faster than usual.  It made me kind of nervous. 

    The papers were handed out and my stack was placed in front of me while I waited for everyone to start.  My nerves settled down a little, what harm could this kind of game do?  No one was telling me to do something, I didn't have to call out anyone else, it felt like a safe game. 

    "We'll start with something easy so everyone can get the gist.  Who here is most likely to laugh at their own joke?"  Simon immediately cringed when Ethan yelled in defeat because he already knew we were all planning on picking him.  It was a fairly easy game to follow and I enjoyed it a lot more than the past two games we played to get wasted.  Everyone was constantly laughing and trying to defend themselves and claim that it wasn't for them.  Of course losing and still having a drink.  For the most part I didn't get picked for much because the boys didn't know much about what I would most likely to do.  I still took a couple sips now and then to keep up the buzz that was going.  Simon on the other hand, as drinking a lot more than I've ever saw, chugging his very strong drink whenever he could.  It was a shame that I didn't think anything of it at the time. 

    Everything was amazing in the beginning, when I was the one who had to speak, I picked questions mostly to get to know more of people, like who was closest with their family, or who had a dog they couldn't live without, it was all very informative.  The circulation went around several times and the one that actually got picked for was someone who was going to pick a fight over nothing, which wasn't untrue.  I was a very argumentative person, they all picked up on that early.  The only person who picked differently was Callum, who picked Ethan because apparently he got into a lot of fights.

    The time things started going down hill, as everyone could tell, was when Simon was swaying where he sat.  Before it was even his turn his was looking for a piece of paper with a certain person's name on it.  After Josh went, Simon had a grin on his face that I never seen before and I didn't want to see ever again.  It was malicious and evil, something that just wasn't him.  All the boys wait patiently for him to think of a scenario, not really picking up on the whole angry vibe he was sharing.  Most likely because of the booze.

    "Who here is most likely to lead two boys on and not give a shit about anyone but herself?"  As soon as Simon's words left his lips I swore I could have felt my heart stop.  At first Vik even let out a quick chuckle because of how preposterous the scenario was, but as soon as he saw his friends face he stopped.  No one lifted a card even though the only person there who liked boys was me, even though they teased Ethan about it all the time.  Me on the other hand, I couldn't take my eyes off those blue eyes while all other eyes were on me.  Waiting for me to do something.  I didn't even know what to do, it was like I was frozen.  This entire night didn't even feel real.  If JJ was here he would have said something, told everyone to stop staring and told Simon that he fucked up.  But he wasn't here.  I was going to have to say something myself. 

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