Chapter 38 *Simon's POV*

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My back was slammed up against the wall, small hands pressed into my shoulders while our lips feverishly connected.  Her black hair was everywhere, flying over her shoulders, getting in between our kiss but we didn't care enough to stop.

"Simon," she gasped.  I refused to deny any longer how beautiful she was.  Her unbelievable pale, clear skin and roses lips because it was everything that wasn't her. That was the only way to get over Kelsey, wasn't it?  Find someone so unlike her that there was nothing to be reminded of.

Raven happened to be exactly that, contrary to the first night she was soft spoken.  Anything I said or did, it was went along with, instead of being argued about.  Even though Raven hated anything to do with video games I actually preferred that now.  The guys didn't appreciate the differences that I did.  Barely even acknowledged her when she came over.  At least they wouldn't fall in love with the girl I was with this time.

Suddenly I realized we weren't kissing anymore and she was staring at me with a knowing look.  "Thinking too much again?"

All I could muster up was a sheepish grin, "sorry."

"No worries I know the perfect cure for that."  Raven smiled, crossing her arms toward the hem of her shirt and slipping it off.  I wish I could say I was thinking with the right head at the time, but there was no such thing.  At least my thoughts could focus on one thing.

"Well, get in bed then."

*                 *                *                *                *          *

Once we were done we laid there, breathing heavily.  Our conversations were pretty scarce but our sexual chemistry was incredible so who cares?  I tried the whole getting to know every inch of a person and deeply falling in love with their entire being.  Only to have my heart ripped out and stomped on.  So a strictly physical connection didn't sound so bad at this point.

I got up, pulling the covers with me, away from Raven to find my clothes.  "Uh, I've got to record some videos now, I'll call you later though."

"No!"  She pouted.  "Come lay with me."

"Can't, this is my job.  If it doesn't get done then I'll be set back."

"Then I'll stay and watch you."  Her naked body stretched across my sheets.  All I could think about is Kelsey quietly watching in the background, whispering encouraging words.

My head shook back and forth vigorously, "don't worry about it.  It's boring and will take a while.  Plus you're a bit of a distraction and my viewers will have a rampage if they figure out something is up."  To make my point, I tossed Raven her clothes.

Even thought she didn't look like she wanted to, clothes were thrown over her body and she strolled over to me.  "Don't forget to call."  A kiss was placed on my lips and then I was left in my room.  My mislead mind actually thought this was healthy.  My friends lost faith in me, no longer giving their opinions.  At least we were all talking again.  Except for me and Harry.  I wasn't mad at him anymore and I guess because of that I knew why he hated me.

All of them counted in me to treat her well, and I liked to think I did for the most part.  I did almost spend the night in jail for beating up Aaron.  Harry, who knew right away that Kelsey would never do me wrong, was most hurt by my reaction.  He would hold a grudge against me for a long time, but that doesn't mean we couldn't fix things.

That was all I could think about while Josh, Vik, Ethan and I played our usual games.  How could we ever let someone get between our friendship?  The whole "Sidemen" business needed a reality check if we were going to be able to get through this obstacle.  And since I was the cause of it, it was my job to fix this mess.

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