Chapter 17

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(It's pretty sexual toward the end.  If you're not into it, stop reading when shit starts going down, you'll still understand the story.)

Vik and Josh found their way to me not too long after JJ and Simon left. It was becoming more apparent that they weren't the only ones who really cared about me by the way Vik pulled me into his chest and Josh called Freya to come over.

Neither of them said anything, simply letting me cry while trying to comfort me through loving touches. I wondered if they knew why or if they didn't need a reason to make sure I was okay. They were nothing short of amazing and I didn't give them enough credit.

As soon as I calmed don enough to breathe without releasing a fresh wave of tears I opened up. Layer by layer my walls were shedding and I told them everything about me. Freya had made her way over by then too. All of them listened quietly, making faces whenever need, especially when Aaron was brought up. Even Simon didn't know the vulgar details. Not that he needed to in order to hate his guts, that was obvious. The more I said the more my chest felt like it was releasing tension that was being built up for years. It was more work than anyone would think, keeping in secrets.

"JJ found my phone while I was out, found out what Aaron has been doing. He and Simon went out to meet up with him. I-I tried to get to not go but they wouldn't listen, now they're just gone and it's all my fault."

Vik was the first to respond, "your fault? It's just like you to blame something like this on yourself. I'm mad that I didn't know about this before because I sure as fuck would have went with them. If you had known who that freak was before you started dating him, you would have stayed away. But how the fuck could you know? This isn't fair you've never done anything wrong, how have you been keeping this to yourself. You acted completely normal all this time when things like this have been going on." I have never seen him so worked up about anything, from the looks on everyone's faces, they haven't either.

My shoulders went up and down. "I got used to it, I guess."

"No one should ever get used to that, babe." Freya took my hand in hers. I simply nodded my head, it's not like she's wrong, but that didn't change anything.

"I want them to come back so I know they're safe. It was stupid not to go with them."

"It was safe not to go," Josh started. "They'll be fine, I know they look like bitches but I've seen JJ hold his own when he needs to. And Simon can get pretty angry, we all know how much he cares about you."

A long sigh escaped my lips. They were trying to make me feel better, and it did help a little, knowing that they didn't want to see me upset.

As if on cue, the front door opened downstairs. Before anyone else could even react I was up and running, going down the steps two at a time. How much time had passed? It could have been minutes or hours and I wouldn't have known. The only thing on my mind was the two boys who walked out into dangerous territory.

I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as he came into view. The tall, blond boy was standing in the doorway before me. He was absolutely soaked and his hair and clothes clung to every part of his body. But he was here and okay. There wasn't a scratch on him.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the same for my best friend.

He was upright, that was something. There was blood all over his shirt although I'm sure it wasn't his. He was almost unscathed except for the deep gash that was across his cheekbone.

"JJ," I rushed out and immediately went into action. Running into the bathroom to grab the rubbing alcohol, a Band-Aid and a wash cloth. Only to come back, grab JJ by the hand and pulled him to the couch so I could get a better look at the wound.

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