Chapter 18

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August flew by and before I knew it, it was mid September. The weather went from humid and rainy to cold and rainy in the matter of days. They still didn't tell me anything about California, I even tried dropping hints about December, and wanting to do something special. Apparently they didn't give a shit, because they never said one thing about going away.

Today was the big video for Josh's channel, the one Simon was preparing me for, with the slippers. I had a feeling we would be doing videos for everyone but this one seemed to something all the boys were looking forward to. It was the challenge they liked, and they begged me to be in it with them, probably to make themselves look better I'm sure. Even Vik looked like he knew what he was doing when it came to me. They didn't know that Simon had been taking me out and teaching me not to be shit. Still, I definitely didn't think I'd hit a crossbar, at least I would kick the ball in the right direction.

Currently Simon and I were sitting in the kitchen, me up on the island while he was digging around the refrigerator looking for food. Everyone else was still upstairs getting ready, we still haven't gotten around to tell anyone about us, even though I thought I could be ready. Simon stopped asking and it hasn't really been holding us back, it was probably the only reason why our relationship went so smooth. There was no one to separate us.

Simon's phone sat next to me, I didn't pay any mind to it until it vibrated. He didn't come up to grab it so I took it off the counter and looked at it, figuring it was just something from Twitter or something. That's when I saw it. The text.

Jesse: Hi babe, can't wait to see you in Cali<3

I swear I saw red. Here I was thinking we were doing good and he had girls texting him, looking forward to meeting him at a place that I didn't know about. He probably got JJ in on it too, really taking advantage of these guys not knowing that Simon would be cheating on me. The sides of my vision blurred the longer I kept quiet and let my mind wander, thinking about all the possible scenarios. If I wasn't so furious I'd most likely be crying, but this was how I functioned. Shutting down when things stopped going my way. That wasn't going to stop me from putting up a fight.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I snapped suddenly. Simon's body physically jerked and he quickly looked back at me to check if I was okay. When he decided everything looked safe and sound, his look turned to one of confusion. He was actually pretending that he didn't do anything wrong. Fucking unbelievable.

His eyes flickered down to his phone but his expression didn't change. "Who was it?" Long legs made this way to me and Simon reached for his phone. Out of pure rage, my hand flew back and the object went sailing away from us. Hitting the couch in the living room on its way to the floor. He's lucky I have bad aim or it would have been broken.

"Your other girlfriend, she's excited to see you in California. I know there was a reason everyone was keeping it from me, didn't know it was because of this."

That's when the fury that I often brought out of Simon kicked in. That look I've grown familiar with was something that no one else had seen. If he was so angry about me going through his phone he shouldn't hide things from me.

"You can't be serious. You're the one keeping us a secret and I'm the one getting yelled at."

"That gives you the right to cheat on me?"

"No one is fucking cheating on you!" He yelled. "Do you think you're the only one who can throw a fit and throw things?" A glass cup was picked up and smashed on the tiled ground. Tiny shards popped up and showered on my bare feet. It didn't hurt me, but it snapped the attitude out of me real quick. "Jesse is a mate of mine, her and her BOYFRIEND are meeting us in California. I didn't tell you because JJ wanted to surprise you. Let's not who refuses to tell anyone about us." Simon stomped away, heading toward the front door as JJ was coming down the stairs.

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