Chapter 15

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(Warning: sexual at the end and from now on there will be sexual scene here and there read at your own risk)

"Alright, Josh is planning another video so today the objective is to get you to be at least a little better than Vik." Simon had a bit of free time in his day so he decided to bring me to the football field for a little practice. Apparently Josh's bright idea was to put on slippers for anther crossbar challenge, whatever that was. It sounded nearly impossible but I knew Simon would be able to do it. "Okay, I want you to take a few steps back from the ball and run up and kick it. So I can get an idea of what I'm working with here."

That was a pretty silly request, of course I knew how to kick a ball, it was a pretty easy task. I took a few steps back, just like I was asked. Very unenthusiastically did I shuffle up to the football and kick it, it sailed forward a few feet and landed right outside of the goal line.

"See, that's your first problem-"

"There's a list?" I whinned.

Simon smiled at my childishness. "It would be quicker to tell you what you were doing right, babe. When your kicking the ball you don't want to kick it head on with the tip of your foot, that's how you lose control. The best place to hit it is with the inner part. Also when you're taking steps back, try to do it in large enough strides that will match the ones you'll do when you're running it up to it, so your stronger leg is in a position for a strong kick. Got it? Try it again." His long legs jogged over to go get the ball and he placed it back in from of me. The way he looked in his Nike sweatpants made me weak in my knees.

Just like the child I was being, I wanted to make him proud. This time I took it more seriously, I paid attention to the amount of steps I took back and ran hard toward the stationary sphere. At the last moment I twisted my foot and launched the ball into the air. Simon was right, it stayed straight and slowly rolled into the goal. From the corner of my eye I watched my boyfriend jump up and cheer, running toward me. I squealed and ran away, afraid to face the impact of the hug I was sure to get.

Unfortunately he was a giant and caught up to me before I could even put any distance between us. His long legs got tangled up and he somehow managed to take the both of us down into the grass. It would have hurt if I wasn't so high with happiness, laughing so hard my face hurt. I rolled over to Simon, who was next to me, and got on top of him.

"It was one goal you minger!"

"Yeah but it was so hot watching you do it." Simon reached his arm out and wrapped his large hand around the back of my neck, pulling me down into a deep kiss. I was very aware that we were in public, it was impossible to control myself around him.

Before I could get lost in his soft lips I jumped up and started walking away. "Come on! I want to be as good as that Ronald guy."

Simon let out the most disappointed groan, "it's Ronaldo."

Several attempts later I got an idea of how to kick the ball the right way. How I was ever going to hit the very thin goal post was beyond me. But for now Smon was happy with how I did and that's all that mattered. The look on his face, how excited he was that I was willing to learn to love the things that he loved was reward enough.

We were in his car driving home, which was a very modest, red, Range Rover. One of his hands was on the wheel while the other one was resting on his thigh. For the past weeks we only acted like a "couple" when we were out or no one was home, which was rarely. It became a ritual for Simon to come and sneak into my room and leave before anyone woke up. Not once did he complain about it. Which made me feel even more terrible. Like I was holding him back.

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