Chapter 26

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My leg refused to stop bouncing up and down while Simon drove on the highway. We had come back from California three weeks ago and since we spent Christmas with my parent we were going to his house from New Year's Eve. I would be meeting his mum dad, and brothers. The only family I ever had to meet was JJ's and that was much easier to do at a young age. People liked children and didn't ask hard to answer questions. Did she know about the beginning of mine and Simon's relationship? I wouldn't blame her if she didn't like me

"Relax, babe, they're all going to love you."

"Yeah, you keep saying that but it's your family and I'm not good at first impressions."

He didn't argue with me, it wasn't that he agreed with my statement, there was no use in trying to change my mind. So instead he put his hand on my thigh and rubbed his thumb across my stockings. As a show of effort I had thrown on a pink baby doll dress and a pair of nude pumps. Simon insisted I didn't need to get dressed up, all he was wearing was dark jeans and a Nike sweatshirt. I ignored him and did what I wanted to anyway.

By some miracle, it was actually snowing, something that rarely happened in England. There wasn't too much where I would be dangerous to drive, not even sticking to the ground yet. If it got any worse we would stay the night in Simon's old room. His childhood room. A warm feeling settled inside me, being in the house where he grew up.

On Christmas I watched Dad and Simon grow closer from a conversation of Football. Dad didn't follow it so much and allowed Simon to talk him through it, which he obviously encouraged him to be a Leeds fan. He gloated about teaching me how to properly kick a ball and even his the crossbar, instead of just being able to play the video game. By the time we were leaving they had already made plans to watch the games together when the season started.

What did I have in common with his family? Simon only had brothers, who surprisingly, weren't into makeup and hair. And ever worse, they weren't Leeds fans, the only thing Simon taught me all about and I couldn't even bring it up in conversation unless to start an argument. What if this dress was too much? It did look like I was trying too hard.

"Time to stop psyching yourself out, we're here," Simon's voice pierced through my thoughts. Followed by the sound of the driver's door shutting and mine opening. He leaned over me and unbuckled the seat belt, sweetly pecking my cheek before pulling me out of the car.

My head shook back and forth, "I-I'm not ready."

The loving man he was, his hand went behind my neck and he touched our foreheads together. "For the hundredth time, everything will be fine, yeah? I love you, now shut up and take these cookies you slaved over." Not waiting for me to protest, Simon dragged me to the front door and walked right it. "We're here!" He yelled down the empty hallway.

"No one cares!" A deep voice shit back. Seconds later a woman appeared, she was absolutely stunning. Having the same blonde hair all blue eyes as Simon, one could only assume it had to be his mother. She was short and petite. The smile on her face only grew the closer she got to us.

"Oh honey, I'm so excited to see you, its been months. Talking on the phone doesn't do it for me, I have to see this handsome face or I go crazy." Her hand reached up to cup his face. My lips fell into a grin of their own from the motherly contact.

"Missed you too, Mum, this is Kelsey." A blush spread on my face when Simon wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Hello Mrs. Minter, it's so good to finally meet you," was my voice shaking?

"Oh, it's Anne, my dear, she said quickly before continuing. "You're a pretty little thing, aren't you? Simon spent ages talking about you and never did I imagine this, and I mean it, he would not shut up about your hair and your eyes, which are lovely by the way. He must have spent h-"

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