Chapter 37

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The five of us sat in a circle with a bowl of popcorn in the middle and glasses of wine in our hands. Not knowing what else to do we started to play truth or dare, one game that Josh that taught me I actually did understand. The truths were the normal who do you like or what's your biggest fear. Dares took forever to come up with and usually weren't all that terrible. So far the most exciting thing was that Tana had to take off her shirt.

That is until Gabbie decided to kick it up a notch. Turning to me, because she knew what I'd pick, truth wasn't a word in my vocabulary. She narrowed her eyes mischievously. "Kelsey, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss someone in this room."

This felt like deja vu, except this time I would be choosing between two people that I liked. Just the one girl that had left my brain in a constant state of confusion ever since this afternoon. The only thing that seemed to make any sense was to kiss her and see how I felt.

All of the girls were laughing until I finally moved from me spot, they all waited in anticipation to see who I would pick. Andrea wasn't sitting next to me so I had roll onto my knees and lean over the small space between us. I watched her face carefully for any signs that she was completely repulsed by me. None of that happened no matter how close I got, then suddenly I was directly in front of her.

Without further hesitation, so I wouldn't be able to talk myself out of it, I jerked forward and pressed my lips into Andrea's. Her lips felt soft against mine and it almost was a force of habit to tilt my head to deepen the kiss, to which she followed. As soon as it started I quickly realized we were in front of our friends who were waiting for us to stop. I pulled away and retreated back to my spot without looking away from those eyes that couldn't decide if they were brown or green.

The kiss, didn't ignite fireworks through my body or anything, but it also didn't clear anything up for me. To be honest that simple touch made a lot more since than the weeks of JC and I talking and hanging out. And even from across the circle I couldn't deny how much I wanted to kiss her again.

"Okay, that was hot," Gabbie broke the silence. We all laughed and continued on with the game.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom after a few more goes. All the wine going right through me. It was after I looked myself in the mirror and told myself to get my shit together that there was a knock on the door. Maybe I was taking too long.

Andrea was standing there when I opened the door, but not for long. Almost as soon as our eyes connected, so did our lips. This time initiated by her, with no dare. I was able to appreciate her hair, as her hands cupped my cheeks sweetly like she didn't know what else to do. There was no comparison to Simon because she was a girl and it felt different.

We didn't move forward, mostly because I'm sure we were both confused as to how this even happened. Just kissing her was nice enough and it really did keep my mind off of all the other problems in my life. For a few seconds at least. What she was thinking was hard to tell, if she regret coming in here and going for the unknown but this felt simple, like there were no hidden strings attached. Maybe it's because I didn't take our affection serious enough, but that's what I needed for the moment. With a guy there was almost too much of an obligation to date and I could tell that Andrea and I didn't want that. In the end it still didn't feel wrong, whereas even when JC and I cuddled it made me think too much of Simon.

Now it was a knock on the front door getting our attention and pulling us apart. The only person I could think it would be was Kian, missing Meredith too much like an entire night would kill him. The two of us, with only inches between us, stared at each other like we couldn't believe what had happened.

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