Chapter 4

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Waking up after a night of drinking is always bad. Waking up after a night of drinking and your ex threatening you over the phone is definitely worse. Me being stubborn, I pushed it to the back of my head, telling myself he jusht wanted to scare me. It worked.

The debate of telling JJ was fresh in my mind when I travelled down the stairs and back into the kitchen to see that no one was awake yet. What would happen if he knew? He didn't need the drama in his life, a lot of things he did now were watching by thousands of people, the last he needed was word getting out that he had been hangning out with a crazy chick with baggage to last for miles. No, I wouldn't tell him. This was my chance to start over and I refused to let Aaron fuck that up for me. He was angry that I was moving that, that's all.

Even with my headache I wanted to do something nice for the 4 boys that were kind enough to let me invade their bachelor pad. So after choking down two advil, I got started on a beautiful breakfast. Putting 3 pans on the oven, each containing something different. It took me forever to find everything I needed but eventually I started on bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes. I am not a cook but where I do succeed in the culinary arts, I've gotten it down to perfection. As the food was cooking, I took the time to quietly clean up all the empty cups all the guys left laying around last night, careful not to wake Harry who was still passed out on the floor. It was the least I could do.

Their kitchen was huge. The counter tops were marble with a black and white theme, in the middle of the kitchen sat an island to match. I wondered if they ever put it to use, if any of them knew how to make anything. Sitting above and below the countertops were the cabinents that accented the entire room nicely, being a light brown to give the entire room a nice, warm feeling. That whole YouTube thing might not be so bad after all, just how much did JJ make from it anyway?

Breakfast was mostly when Vik was the first one to wake up around noon and pad his way in the kitchen. It was nice to watch his face light for the mass amount of food that had been placed on the table. He was a soft spoken kind of cute, different from the rest of the boys.

"No way, what's all this?" He asked sitting down and immediately shoveling the food onto his plate.

"A thank you, sort of. For making me feel right at home." Putting the last of the bacon on the plate I took a seat across from Vik with my tea.

"You didn't need to do this but I'm glad you did."

It didn't take any longer than 20 minutes for the rest of the gang to wake up. All of them appreciative to waking up and not having to eat cereal again. It really wasn't much, seeing as it was their food I was cooking that they had bought with their own money, but it was a step in the right direction in repaying them. No one except for JJ will understand why I'm grateful, but that's okay. They just needed to know I was.

They insisted on helping with the clean up but I declined, telling them they had videos to make and headaches to nurse. To be honest, they didn't need much convicing, JJ hugged me tightly before exiting the room with everyone except Simon, who stayed. Without a sound he picked up a plate and started washing it.

"You really don't have to-"

"I want to," he interrupted. His stern look that he gave me showed that there was no room for argument. Instead I dried the dishes he put in the drainboard and put them back where they belonged. A comfortable silence fell upon us for at first, neither of us needing to say something just to say it. But then questions started to fill my mind about just how much he knew about everything.

"What did JJ tell you about me?" I asked without looking at him.

Simon handed me a pan. "He told me that you were a tough red head who didn't take shit from anyone. That you've been really mad at him that past two years and wouldn't talk to him. You're the only person in his life that really gets him, and vice versa. He's my best friend but I know I'm always going to come second to you, that's okay." A small grin found it's way to my face. JJ thought I was the most special person in the world, that there was something better about me than other people. Mostly I thought everything he said about me was a load of shit, but to have someone think so highly of you. That's why me and JJ could never date, we started to care about each other too much, a level deeper than dating, deeper than attraction.

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