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It took me a really long time to come to this conclusion and I know a lot of people wanted me to do this so I hope you guys haven't given up yet but I decided that there will in fact be a sequel to Don't Let Me Push You Away.  I miss Kelsey and Simon and all of the boys and it's time I got on to that😭

Be VERY prepared though, this story is going to have 10x more drama, more twists and it's going to be a rollercoaster.  It's going to be called 'Never Letting Go' and you can expect the first chapter to be out within the next week.

For those who do read my other stories and like them I will be continuing 'Secrets' (another Miniminter ff that I've been working on for those who don't know) those posts just by be a lil slower but we'll see which one is more on demand (probs Never Letting Go lets be real). 

Thank you so much for reading and being patient with me and I hope I get to see familiar people comments on the sequel I MISS YALL okay sorry ily bye.

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