Chapter 29

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Why didn't I listen to Simon?  It hadn't even been two hours into the night and I was very, very drunk.  For the most part, we spent our time apart, different parties calling our names.  Josh and Casper wanted to talk to him whilst the other boys needed their well deserved time with me.  Vik stayed by me the entire time, starting random conversations just so he could talk to me.  It hurt me that I let him down, ignoring him for an entire month.  That wasn't fair.

Of course Cal and Harry kept handing me drinks and making me have the best time.  They were all my best mates, but if I'm honest, those two held a special place in my heart.  Maybe because they were as goofy as I was and didn't make me feel weird when I said something stupid.  We were like the three amigos and tonight only proved that.

"Okay, okay!"  I got up on a table when for a second, everyone was close enough to hear.  When I wobbled for a moment, the boys around me were ready to catch a falling girl, but I steadied myself.  "To tonight we're here to celebrate JJ and Casper's hard work and dedication paying off.  Jide had been my best friend since as long as I can remember, no one deserves this more than him.  He's one of the funniest, most talented people I know and I'm so proud of everything he has done to get here."  We all cheered and I continued.  "Also Casper, you're a cheeky little prick but I'm proud of you as well, mate.  That pretty face of yours will bring you far."  That earned a laugh and together all of us raised our glasses and drank to our friends' success. 

With the help of my Simon I got off of the table with a stumble.  His hands went down to my thighs and he shimmied my dress down.  The more drunk I got the more I forgot to do that.  I laughed at his protectiveness and shoved my face in his chest, breathing in the lovely cologne he always wore.

"You didn't pace yourself, did you?"

"Nu uh," I mumbled into the fabric of his shirt.  His entire body vibrated when he chuckled.

"Course not."

We were stood like that for a moment, holding onto each other, then someone called for Simon.  "Come with me?"

"Nah, have some boy time, I want to go look for Joshy anyway.  It's been awhile since he was able to complain about his girl problems, yeah?"

Simon obviously didn't want me going off alone but telling me so would have ended up in an argument and he knew it.  "Okay babe," he kissed my temple and walked away.

My intention really were to find Josh, but instead I came across Harry sat at the bar with his head in his hands.  He hadn't been seemed off the entire night, I was sure either something just happened or he was extremely wasted.  I was expecting the wasted part.

I joined him on the vacant bar stool and put my head right underneath where he was staring.  "What's wrong, love?"

"Nothing," he mumbled.

"How convincing," my eyes rolled even though he couldn't see.  "Today is a good day, you need to be happy."  I batted my eyelashes, not knowing exactly how to put him in a good mood.

He sighs, "would you mind leaving me alone for a little while, Kells?"

"Oh... No, of course not."  My feelings were hurt a little but let's face it I was the exact same way.  Always wanted to deal with my problems on my own to not burden anyone else.  "Just, I'll be here if you need me, yeah?"


With that I continued my search for Josh, who surprisingly was taking shots.  Josh drank but never excessively, he was the kind of guy who liked to have control.  While it was nice to see him let loose a little, alcohol didn't always bring out the best in people.

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