Chapter 1

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Author's Note: I am reposting this story because I let my anger get the best of me and deleted it. Here goes nothing, hope you all enjoy!

He sat there with his Ray Bans on, sipping the steaming liquid from the ceramic mug. His fingers wrapped tightly around it as he moved his head towards the window. I could only draw the conclusion that he was watching the early risers pass by on the sidewalk; his sunglasses making it hard to tell if he was or not. I made my way over to his table, the coffee pot in my hand and a smile plastered on my face.

"Need more coffee?" I had asked him, blowing a stray piece of hair out of my face.

He slowly turned his head towards me, his mouth in a thin line. He shook his head and my smile faltered a bit. He hadn't said anything except when he was ordering his food and the coffee. I just gave him a curt nod and made my way to the only other customer, refilling his cup and heading back behind the counter. In the back I could hear Julio whistling as he prepared the tomatoes and lettuce for the day. The radio was on low and the song was soft, one that I have heard many times before.

I hummed as I wiped down the counter before starting to roll silverware in a napkin, securing it with a small strip of paper that stuck to itself. The guy still sat there with his mug this time his finger was moving around the rim. I watched him as I continued to roll the silverware, creating piles of it. The diner was quiet except for the sounds of the silverware clanking together as the two ate. Finally I had finished and got up with the freshly brewed coffee and made my way to Mr. Silent.

"More coffee?" I asked, clearing my throat a bit and the guy nodded, his hair moving as he did. I poured the dark liquid into the cup and began to walk away. "Thank you." Came his quiet reply and I tipped my head towards him. I continued to the other customer and filled his cup before heading back.

"Rae, it's about time you went home," a soft voice said as I turned to face my boss. I gave her a small smile but shook my head; I wasn't ready to go home yet because I needed the money. "You've been here long enough and you look dead in your feet."

I let out a sigh and ran my fingers through my ponytail. I knew she had me there, but I couldn't help but think about the bills that are piling up. My dream of living in New York was expensive as I am putting myself through school and working full time. It was hard but I knew I had to keep pushing through in order to do something I love.

"Fine," I finally said and began to untie my apron. My feet were aching and I knew that I was going to be tired in class, but it was worth it; or that is what I've been telling myself over and over again.

I pocketed my tip money and walked towards the exit, my mind not registering the sound of a chair scraping on the floor. Nor did I see the guy in the Ray Bans get up and follow me out. The sun halfway up in the sky, the heat already unbearable. It was supposed to be a scorcher and I wish that I had time to run home. I shuffled to my car, an old beater that I had purchased with my first check; it was my way of showing people, that doubted me, that I could do this.

I stuck the key into the lock and unlocked the door, hearing the slight click. I opened the door and threw my body into the seat; a whimper falling from my lips as I felt slight pain radiating throughout my body. I should be used to standing and walking but apparently my body wasn't. My hands went up to the steering wheel, after I had shut the door, and I took a deep breath. My eyes were burning from how long I have been up, a dull headache throbbing in my temples; I just noticed it when I had got into the car. Finally I placed the key in the ignition and turned it, hearing the starter turn and the car rumble to life, a breath of relief flying past my lips. I had always been so scared that it wouldn't even start and I would be stranded here.

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