Chapter 30

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Author's Note: So this is a pivotal chapter. I was debating with myself on what I wanted to do and finally got some inspiration to go the way that I am. I hope you all like it. I am trying to do something I haven't seen.

Tell me what you think about it! Comment, vote, criticize whatever you want! Also I want to say I am excited that my girl will be writing a story about Daryl and once she has it posted I will link her story in this one!

Thank you,


I groaned for like the fifth time this week I had been getting sick. It was really beginning to worry me because of Norman and I being intimate. Of course we both were protected but they weren't 100 percent effective. What if I was pregnant? What would Norman say? Does he want any more kids? Was I ready to be a mother? Those are the questions that went through my head and they had been plaguing me. I knew that I didn't want to keep this from him and I think he was beginning to think along the same lines that I was. My eyes met his as we sat on the couch, one of my legs curled under me, my elbow resting on the back of the couch. I was debating on whether I should tell him or not.

"Norm...I think I am pregnant," I whispered to him and fiddled with the edge of my shirt. I had thrown it out there.

I was looking down at my hands and playing with my fingers gently, pulling them. I felt the couch shift and the cushion dip beneath me as weight was added to it. Arms wrapped around me and pulled me to him, his body tense as he thought. I licked my lips and looked up at him and tried to gauge his reaction. I could tell he was nervous and he wasn't ready for this, but neither was I. Heck I didn't know if I would be a good mother and he already has a son. Maybe he didn't want any more kids. I should have been more careful, we should have been more careful. His arms rubbed up and down mine, his lips staying on top of my head and neither of us said anything. We just held each other as my thoughts swirled around my head. The tears fell and I couldn't stop them. I was scared, I will admit that. Scared that this would end Norman and I.

"Have you taken a test?" he asked me and I just shook my head, I didn't even think about that but I kind of didn't want to. It would make everything more real and I don't think I will be able to handle it right now. "We should get you one," he said in a whisper as he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, playing with another one. I sighed and looked up at him, our eyes meeting and I could see something shining in there. I couldn't put my finger on what kind of emotions he was feeling. I could only tell that he wanted to know before we did anything else. I chewed on my bottom lip and let out a breath. "Then I will go get one," I said and went to push myself away but he stopped me, telling me he was coming with me. I nodded my head and pulled on my flip flops and grabbing my house key so that he didn't have to grab his, my mind on autopilot as we made it down to the first floor. We both walked out of the building and turned towards the small pharmacy that was just a couple of storefronts down. I looked to the sign and just kind of stalled there. My stomach was rolling and I felt like I was going to get sick but not, if that even made any sense.

As we entered the store, the bell above the door rang and made me jump. I couldn't help but think about my parents and what they would think about me if I were pregnant. Would they be disappointed? I frowned as we stood in front of the family planning aisle, so many boxes of tests were in front of me. My eyes moving over each and every one, Norman standing behind me as I tried to decided which one I wanted. My lip was between my teeth as I grabbed a couple boxes, each one a different brand. I wanted to be sure and I was willing to take all of them. We both headed up to the counter and it felt good to have him there supporting me. I know a lot of girls who take the tests and then tell the men that they are pregnant but I don't think I would have been able to do it. That I didn't want to know and that if I ignored it, it would just go away.

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