Chapter 3

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"Where have you been?" He asks me as I walk beside him and look down at my feet.

"Well I went to the Statue of Liberty, Times Square," I began to fill him in, listing off places that I had visited, although it doesn't seem like a lot anymore, even though it felt like a lot was accomplished.

"Man you visited all of the touristy stuff," he mumbled as he had his hands in his pockets, his eyes trained in front of him. I raised an eyebrow as he said that and chuckled just a bit, a nervous chuckle.

"So what do you think I should see?"

"The little places," He told me and left it at that. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh at that and a shake of my head. Of course I figured he meant the little places, but what kind of places are those? I had only ever know the big places which is where I went, but was always afraid of the little places. This is coming from someone who grew up in Philly.

"I figured you meant the little places. If it wasn't the big places, where else would you go?" I pointed out, which caused him to throw his head back and let out a laugh, a big puff of laughter. His eyes watering a bit and I couldn't help but laugh along with him. It was nice to hear and it made me feel good that I had made him laugh, not someone else.

"That is a good one," he said as he wiped away a tear and turned towards me. "I like your sense of humor."

My cheeks flushed at the compliment and I couldn't help but widen my smile at the fact that he likes my sense of humor. I really didn't think I had one, or I tried too hard with some people and it comes across too forced.

"Thank you," I finally said and let him lead the way from here, his hands resting back in his pockets.

"You're welcome," he said, somewhat mumbling as he looked at the street signs and I felt another awkward silence filling the space between us as people jostled us about, moving to their destination quickly. In my head I was thinking about what there could be going and making up the stories again, my hobby making me feel less awkward. It was like it was comforting me when I didn't know what to say.

"So," he started and stopped, seeming as if he lost his train of thought, "do you like art? I know this really cool place not too far from here."

"I do like some art. I am not a huge buff who knows everything there is to know," I spoke, my mouth running away with me.

He let out a small laugh and shook his head, "Didn't ask you that much." He teased me. I bite the inside of my cheek and felt my hands shaking a bit, trying not to let the comment get to me that much. I knew he was joking around, but it kind of stung and I hated that I was letting it get to me somewhat.

I ran my fingers through my ponytail and bite my lip, "Sorry, sometimes my mouth gets away with me."

He looked to me and his eyebrows knit together in concern and I could see that he felt bad for what he had said. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "I didn't mean anything by it."

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the fact that I had let it show that it got to me a little. It was something that I wasn't really used to, joking around like that. I didn't have any siblings to joke around with and my friends don't really joke like that either. So it was all new to me and I knew I shouldn't have let myself get like this.

"No it's okay," I tried to brush it off and put a smile on my face. I was going to try and push it away and enjoy this, wondering how much longer we were going to walk. When he stopped all the sudden, some people bumping into him, his shoulders moving a bit and I couldn't help but chuckle.

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