Chapter 3

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I sighed. I hadn't slept at all. I checked the time on my phone, it was 9:00am I might as well just get up now. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. CC asked if I was ok. He cares about me, I mean of course he cares but does that mean he likes me? I don't know why I'm thinking about this. He's way to old for me and he probably only thinks of me as a little sister. I walked into the bathroom to change out of my pajamas. I pulled on some ripped jeans and a t-shirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and then went to the lounge area. I saw that Andy and Jake were up watching tv. I waved and went to get some Monster from the mini fridge. I sat down next to Andy, "Morning." I said. "Morning. How did you sleep?" Andy asked. "Good I guess." I lied. I know I shouldn't lie to Andy but if I told him I didn't sleep he would ask why and then I would have to tell him that I like CC. A little bit later Jinxx and Ash had gotten up and we were all watching the show together. It was around noon when a very tired looking CC stumbled in. "Well good morning sunflower." I said laughing lightly. CC just groaned and sat down next to me. I handed him my half finished can of monster. "Thanks." He said taking the monster from me and beginning to drink it. The bus had stopped at a fill-up station so I went outside to stretch my legs. "Hey." CC whispered. I jumped, I didn't realize he was that close behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck. I turned to face him, "Yea?" I asked. He grabbed my hand, which caused my heart to flutter, and pulled me away from the bus to the side of the fill-up station. "Can I ask you something?" He whisper asked me. "Sure. What's up?" I replied. "When you were talking yesterday and describing that guy, who were you describing?" He asked. His voice was shaking a little as he whispered to me. I didn't want to say it was him, what if he didn't feel the same way? "Oh, you might know him. He's a lot like you actually. He's exactly like you." I said slightly blushing. "Oh. Where would I know him from?" CC asked. He really was clueless. I pulled up his chin so he was looking at me. "In here." I said pointing to his head. "What?" He said confused. "I'm talking about you dummy." I said. I couldn't believe what I just said. It all just came out and I couldn't stop it. I let go of his chin and looked anywhere but at him. 'You're such an idiot Alex! He doesn't like you, you're a child.' I thought to myself. CC was standing there and I could feel him staring at me. I wanted to curl up into a ball and hide from the world. I can't believe what I just did, CC will probably tell the guys and then they'll all think I'm crazy and I'll never be able to talk to them again. All of a sudden CC reached up and grabbed my chin forcing me to face him. "That's what's was hoping." He said smiling. Then he kissed me. Right there in the parking lot of a Speedway gas station. I was so shocked I couldn't move. I kinda just stood there awkwardly. CC pulled away and looked at me. I could get lost in those eyes. I sighed, "If I don't do this now I never will." I said before I grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him. And he kissed back! I was so overflooded with joy that I couldn't breathe. I pulled away and looked at the ground. Neither of us said anything just silence. Andy came over and said,"Come on the bus is ready to leave." He tugged my arm slightly and I turned to follow him. I got back on the bus and walked straight for my bunk. I did not want to face any of the awkwardness that was sure to come.

So yeah I know stuff is happening pretty quickly but it will all turn out good in the end.

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