Chapter 14

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Alex POV:
The rest of the day passed. Me getting flustered over CC and Ashley getting my mind off CC. Ok ew not that way. I mean he was being a great friend, holding my hand, letting me ride his back, hugging me and walking with me all day. Ok maybe it was like that but still. I love CC why am I suddenly showing affection for Ash? I wasn't exactly sure but I knew I had to figure it out before things got more confusing. I sighed sitting up from my spot on the couch. I needed to talk to someone about this. I walked to the back lounge where I saw Andy watching batman as usual. "Andy?" I whispered. He looked away from the screen and smiled at me. "Hey Alex." He said patting the spot next to him. I sat down and leaned into his side. How do you start a conversation with you brother about your relationship problems, that involve two of his best friends? "Andy I need to talk to you about something. It's important, and I need you to be a friend right now not an overprotective older brother okay?" I asked him. I really needed Andy to hear me out and not freak when I told him everything. Andy turned off the tv and gave me a concerned look. "I'm all yours, what's wrong?" He asked. I sighed and began to explain to him what had happened over the last few days. "...and so that's why I hung out with Ashley all day. I didn't want to start anything with CC, nor did I have the courage to face him." I finished quietly. Andy just sat there silently. He looked at me and sighed. "Look Alex, I want you to be happy and all but you have to choose. You can't lead Ash on and you can't just leave CC high and dry like that. I would prefer you ending up with CC but I'm not going to stop you from making your own decisions." He said finally. I sighed, great now I was more confused then I was when we started. I thanked Andy and went to my bunk. I put in my headphones and listened to Tragic Magic by Falling In Reverse. I listened to the beautiful voice of Ronnie Radke as I drifted off to sleep. I woke up a few hours later and started to get ready for tonight's concert. I pulled on some ripped skinnies, a Total Creep shirt and a pair of Batman converse that Andy got me. I also pulled on a beanie and a choker. I was ready to go. I guess I didn't realize how late I slept because all the guys were ready as well.  I quickly grabbed my phone and followed the guys to the back stage. I gave Andy a quick hug and wished them luck as they ran out on stage. The concert was great as always and I actually enjoyed myself, that is until I saw both Ash and CC walking up to me. I turned and began to walk toward the growing crowd of people. When I was sure I lost them I made my way to the bus. I needed more time to think, I can't just be expected to make a choice. There is to much going on right now. I sighed and put on some PJ's climbing into my bunk.

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