Chapter 10

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Jinxx POV:
I was happy to see that Alex and Cee had made up. I was still kind of upset with CC for beating me up last night but I can understand where it came from. I was also totally grossed out by the fact that Cee thought me and Alex were together. I mean ew, no offense to Alex. She's a great person but I wouldn't do that to Cee. "Are the others up yet?" I asked CC. "Yea. They are watching cartoons in the front." He replied. I nodded and left them to do whatever it is couples do. I made my way up to the front of the bus to see the most adorable/sad thing ever. Andy and Ash were cuddled together in one of the couches, snuggled up in a Hello Kitty blanket. And then Jake was sitting on the other couch all alone looking quite sad and lonely. I walked over and sat down next to Jake. "Hey." I whispered to him. He smiled and nodded at me. It was kind of awkward but at least Jake didn't look lonely anymore. A few minutes later Cee and Alex walked in from the bunk room and cuddled together next to Ash and Andy. It was actually really adorable. I looked over at Jake and it looked like he was thinking the same thing. I reached in my pocket and took out my phone and snapped a picture of the two couples cuddling on the couch to post on Instagram.

Alex POV:
After Jinxx left it was kind of awkward between me and Cee. I wasn't sure what to say so I just sat there and looked at him. And he was just sitting there staring back at me. Finally he asked me if I really wasn't mad at him. "I could never stay mad at you forever Cee. But I am kind of upset that you would even think I would cheat on you." I answered truthfully. He nodded, "I know, I just didn't know what to think." He said looking down. I sighed and pulled up his chin, "I love you Cee, just know that." I whispered and then kissed his cheek. He smiled, "We should probably go back out so everyone knows you're alive and such." I smiled and stood up and we walked back into the lounge area. When we walked in I saw the best thing ever, Andley and Janxx. I almost cried, but I didn't. "Hey guys." I spoke up as I sat down. Cee sat next to me and pulled me into his arms. I giggled and cuddled into him. I saw Jinxx snap the picture and I laughed. "Wait! You have to give the Andley shippers hope." I said giggling looking at Andy and Ash. They sighed and looked at each other. Jinxx took the picture before they could do anything. I looked at the picture. "Perfect!" I exclaimed. They all laughed as Jinxx posted both of the photos.

I added Andly and Janxx in this chapter because I love those ships and I couldn't help myself :)

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