Chapter 5

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Alex POV:
I walked up to the lounge area. I was so nervous, I am not ready to tell Andy. But I know I have to. I took a deep breath and walked up to Andy. "Hey Andy, I need to talk to you about something." I said quietly. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked me motioning me to sit next to him. "Well, when I was standing with CC at the gas station, he um...well he...he kissed me." I said looking down. I don't want Andy to be mad at me, he's my brother and I want us to have a good family relationship. "I'm gonna kill him." Andy said standing up. "Andy! Just stop and let me explain. I...I kissed him back." I said pulling him back down to the couch. He looked at me and the anger in his face was replaced with confusion. "What? What do you mean?" He asked me. I looked down, "Well, remember yesterday when I was talking about the person I have a crush on?" I asked him. "Yeah, You weren't talking about CC were you?" He asked me. He sounded confused and angry and concerned. "Yea. Actually I was. And he asked me if I was and I told him." I explained. I sighed and explained everything that had happened. Andy just looked at me. No emotion on his face. "Are you mad? Please don't be mad at me Andy." I said quietly. I wasn't sure what I would do if Andy got really mad. I mean I didn't really have anywhere to go. I was stuck with them for the week. "No." Andy finally answered. "It's just hard to process, my sister and one of my best friends." He said. "Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I about it before. I was just nervous on how you would react." I said. He put his arm around my shoulders,"Hey it's ok. I wouldn't have been that upset about it." He said chucking. "Andy you just threatened to kill Cee and now you're saying you weren't that upset? Do you know how contradictory that is?" I asked. "I know, but I'm allowed to be contradictory. I'm older." He said smiling at me. "Well, that's a great reason." I said laughing. We both were laughing hysterically when Ash and Jinxx walked in from the bunk room. "What's wrong with you two?" Asked Jinxx as he and Ash sat down next to us. Andy and I tried to stop laughing and ended up laughing harder. "Alex is dating CC." Andy said between gasps of air. Ash and Jinxx got this really confused and surprised look in their faces which caused me to laugh harder. "What?" Asked Ash in disbelief. I finally pulled my self together, "Me and Cee are dating." I repeated. "That still doesn't explain why you were laughing." Jinxx said. "Oh that, Andy made an older brother joke." I said casually. "Oh." Said Jinxx and Ash finally understanding. "So, you and Cee huh?" Ash asked. "Yeah." I said smiling. "So then you really weren't talking about me then?" Ash asked. "No. Sorry." I said looking at him. By that time the bus had gotten to the hotel we were staying at for the night before the concert.

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