Chapter 13

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We decided to take a walking tour instead of a bus tour because the weather was fairly nice. We caught up with the guide in front of the History Museum. I was having a lot of fun except for the strange looks from Ash and the death glares from CC. I sighed and decided to take a second to talk to Ash, we were by this little drink shack by the lake. I spotted Ash and pulled him over to the side. "Ash, um well... I was wondering if you remember anything from last night at all?" I asked him quietly. He pulled the classic act of "What? No what happened? Maybe if you demonstrated it I would remember more clearly." I slapped his arm. "I'm serious Ash!" I said. He nodded. Great just freaking great. "But I won't tell Andy or CC if you don't want me to." He added quickly. I shook my head, "It's to late for that, CC saw it." I could feel the tears burning my eyes as I hid my face from him. I really hated crying, I wonder why I'm doing so much of it on this tour. Ash wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, this was what I needed. A good hug from someone who actually understood what was happening. "What do I do?" I asked him as I pulled away from the hug. He shrugged, "I mean you should probably try to talk to him, but I would let him cool down a little bit if I was you." He replied. I nodded. The tour guide was trying to gather everyone to continue the tour and Ash linked his arm with mine and pulled me to where the rest of the group was.

I can't believe what I just saw. Well actually I can believe that Ash, being drunk, would kiss Alex. But I can't believe that she isn't pushing him away. I banged my hand down on the table. I saw Alex's face poke up from behind Ash. She looked frightened. Did she think I wouldn't find out her secret? She pushed Ash out of her way and ran to the bunk room. I glared angrily at Ash, who now that I thought about it didn't even have that much to drink. Now I was really mad. I beat up Ash and I don't regret anything. I left Ash on the couch and went to my bunk, not like I was going to get any sleep. I woke up relatively early the next morning and went to make myself some coffee. Then I saw her, I wished it was just a dream but as soon as I saw the expression on her face I knew it wasn't. She told me she was staying with us for another week. Great, I can never seem to get away from her can I? "I bet Ashley will be happy." I answered her as I walked back to my bunk. I can't stand to be around her right now. Does she think I'll just forgive her? Not likely. I heard a lot of noise from the front of the bus and figured everyone was up. I decided to get up and get ready. After I got dressed and fixed my hair I layer back in my bunk. There was no way I was going back out there with Ash and Alex. I little bit later Alex came back and grabbed her clothes. She didn't even realize I was there. Good if I had to talk to her I probably would freak out right now. We left a little bit later to take a walking tour of Chicago (the city we are in). The first part of the tour went pretty good but I let seeing Ash staring at Alex, I mean I know what I saw but I still don't want him looking at her. Then the tour guide let us stop and explore a little on our own. I saw Alex pull Ash away from the group and start a conversation with him. I couldn't make out what they were saying but then I saw Ash hug her. What? Are you kidding me? I mean yeah sure do that in the privacy of the bus, but out in front of everybody? In front of me? The tour guide was calling us back. As I rejoined the group I saw Alex grab Ash's hand. I looked away. I can't do this right now. I moved to the front of the group by the other guys so I wouldn't have to see whatever they were doing back there.

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