Chapter 6

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After we got into the hotel I went up to my room and got all my stuff situated. I was about to sit down and watch Supernatural when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and opened the door to see CC standing there. "Hey." I said smiling. "Hey Al." He said smiling back. I moved and invited CC in. We went to sit on the couch and Cee asked,"Did you tell Andy and the guys?" He looked kinda nervous but it was cute. "Yea. I told Andy and he didn't get really upset so that's good. Then we told Ash and Jinxx and Andy said he would tell Jake for me." I said looking at him, the nervousness in his face left and was replaced with relief. "Cool."he said putting his arm around me. We sat and watched a few episodes of Supernatural before there was another knock on the door. CC got up to answer it. He opened the door and Ash was standing there. "Hey Ash!" I heard Cee say. I got up from the couch and walked over to the door. "Hey we have sound check in 30 minutes. We're going to drive out in a little bit." Ash said. "Yea. Give a second." CC replied and went to the couch to grab his phone. "Let's go!" He said excitedly running down the hall. Me and Ash started laughing. I grabbed my phone and room key and we followed CC down to where the bus was parked. We all onto the bus and drove to the venue for sound check.We got off the bus and went and did the sound check. I sat in the audience on my phone. I had been on tour with Andy before and sound checks weren't the most exciting thing. After sound check we went back on the bus and drove back to the hotel. As I was walking up to my room CC came and wrapped his arms around me. "Hi." I giggled. "Hey." He breathed in my ear. We were at my hotel room door so I turned to him to ask, "Hey, do you want to finish that Supernatural episode?" "Sure." He said smiling at me. I smiled back and opened the door walking in. We sat down on the couch to finish our episode and CC pulled me into his lap and attacked me with tickles. "Hey! CC! Stop it." I squealed. He laughed and kissed my forehead. "Ok fine but only because you asked nicely." He joked as he stopped ticking me. I cuddled into his side as we watched the rest of our Supernatural episode. After the episode we decided to stop being couch potatoes and went out to find food. We walked around for a bit outside before we found a little Thai restaurant and decided to go in there. We ate our food and left the restaurant walking around some more. We walked by this really pretty park and decided to walk through there. I saw a flower tree and ran under it. It was a little windy so the flower petals were flying around in the air. I laughed and danced around in them. CC walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you." He said smiling. "Thanks Cee. I love you too." I replied smiling back. We stood there for a few minutes, taking in the beauty of the park around us. "We should probably start heading back." He said. I nodded and we began our walk back to the hotel. Once we got back to the hotel I went to my room to change and CC went to his. I changed into ripped black jeans, a BVB shirt with a black vest that said 'rebel gang' on the back and some red vans. I combed out my hair and styled it with my normal side fringe. I put on some eyeliner and I was ready to go.

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