Chapter 4

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Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction and that I am not nor do I know the members of BVB personally so I might get some of their personality traits wrong. This is just how I choose to portray them.

I watched as Andy pulled Alex away. I wonder if he saw what happened. I shrugged and followed them onto the bus. After Alex left Andy turned to me. "What's wrong with her?" He asked me. "Wait, so you didn't see anything that happened?" I asked surprised. I was sure Andy saw something if not the whole thing. "No...What happened?" Andy asked. He looked really concerned. Crap. Did I just say something I shouldn't have? "Um...well nothing really. It's just a conversation. That's all." I said looking around. I couldn't lie to the guys, they could always tell when I lied. "Uh huh. Sure." Said Andy disbelief in his voice. I new I couldn't lie to them. "I'm gonna go take a nap." I said turning and starting to walk to the bunk room. The guys didn't say anything so I just headed back to the "stabin' cabin". "Hey Alex." I whispered. "Hey. What happened? Did Andy say anything?" She asked me. She looked scared, I don't want her to get in trouble with Andy. "No he didn't see anything. But he doesn't believe me that nothing happened. He thinks something's up with you." I replied. "Oh. Ok. Andy's gonna kill me if he finds out from someone that's not me. And he's not going to be happy with me dating one of his best friends." She said looking down. I pulled up her chin she was looking at me, "Hey. It's gonna be ok." I smiled at her. I was going to make sure she would be ok. She smiled at me and blushed. I chuckled and pecked her nose. "You might want to go back out there. They think you're having a life crisis right now." I said. She nodded and stood up. "Thanks Cee." She said smiling at me. I smiled
and nodded. She turned and walked back up to the lounge area.

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