Chapter 17

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I pulled my phone from my pocket and scrolled through my music. I smiled and stopped on King For A Day by PTV. This is literally the best song to use as an alarm because of the beginning. I quickly hooked my phone up to the speaker system on the bus and pressed play. I gradually increased the volume of the music so that when the heavy guitar part started it was at full volume. I heard a few frightened yells and a string of curses that could have only come from Ashley. I smiled and turned off the music. I picked up a pan and a spoon and walked into the bunk room. "Wake up and get off your lazy butts! We have a full day ahead of us!" I yelled banging the pan and spoon together. When I was sure I had woken everyone up I walked back to the lounge area and motioned for the guys to go to the kitchen to get their medicine. After everyone had sobered up they joined me in the lounge area to watch tv. I kept stealing glances at CC wondering if he remembered anything from last night. But I seriously doubt it. He was completely shitfaced last night. I sighed and went back to the bunks to change. I pulled on a random muscle tee and some skinnies. I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair and stuff. I didn't want to go back in the lounge. There was a lot of tension in there, so I decided to just hangout in my bunk and watch something on Netflix. I chose to rewatch  Sherlock for the millionth time and I was about halfway through the first episode when someone poked me. I turned and saw CC standing there, very awkwardly. "Um, hi Alex." He said. "Hey." I replied. Probably the most awkward conversation I've ever had. "I'm sorry, really I am. I realize you don't like me and all that and I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm sorry for that. But you hurt me Alex. You could have told me you like Ashley. I would've understood, I just wish I didn't have to find out like I did. I still love you Alex and even though you don't feel the same I want you to know." He said. I just stared at him. He thought I liked Ash? He thought I didn't love him anymore? Before I could say anything he walked back out to the lounge area. What just happened? I am so confused and I just want my old CC back. I knew I shouldn't have come on tour with Andy. I should have faked sick or something. I can always call my mom and let her pick me up right? I laid my head back in the pillow and tried to sleep away all of my problems but sadly when I woke up, they were still there. Literally, not even five seconds after I woke up Ashley was right by my bunk smiling at me like a crazy person. I sighed and turned to Ash, "Yes?" I asked him. "Well, we are here and we are going to the beach because we have like 6 hours before we have to preform. Do you want to come with us?" He asked me. I nodded, I loved the beach. I jumped out of my bunk and went to the bathroom to change. I put on a red and black bathing suit and some shorts over that. I pulled my hair into a bun and walked out. I put on my sunglasses and followed the guys out of the bus. I was still thinking about what CC had said but I didn't know what I should do. I don't like Ashley, I love CC. I'm not sure what happened with Ash but it's over now. I need CC to understand that. When we got to the beach all the guys took off towards the water. All of them that is except CC. I stood awkwardly next to him and stepped out of my shorts. I looked over at CC and saw he was looking at me. "Christian Mora-Coma!" I yelled at him smiling. He blushed and looked away. 'This.' I thought to myself, 'I miss this.' I walked up to him and without even thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him kissing me back. I smiled into the kiss pulling away. "CC, you need to understand that I love you and I have no feelings towards Ashley. I don't know what came over me to make me kiss him but it's gone now. Nothing has happened between us, he was helping me feel better about you. I love you CC and I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." I said looking up at him. He smiled and nodded his head pulling me into another kiss. "I love you too Alex and I missed you. I missed us." He said pulling away. I smiled and hugged him. I pulled away from the hug and looked up at him. "Let's swim shall we?" I asked. He grinned and nodded. We ran to the water and kept running until we got to the deeper water. We joined the other guys and swam around a little bit before drying off and heading back to the bus.

-----//-back at the bus---/////------

Ash POV:
I was kinda upset when we got back to the bus. I saw what happened between CC and Alex back on the beach. I thought I had separated them, I thought I got Alex to like me. Apparently not. I sighed when I walked back into the lounge from my bunk. They were cuddled up together on one of the couches. I think I might barf. That is supposed to be me not CC. I don't get it, why doesn't she like me? Girls always like me, I mean I'm THE Ashley Purdy. I sat down on one of the other couches across from them. I waited until Andy, Jake, and Jinxx got back from the bunks and asked them if they wanted to get food. We all agreed and left to find pizza.

Jake POV:
(bet you weren't expecting this)

I suggested we get Pizza for our dinner late lunch thing. I LOVE PIZZA.

Andy POV:
When we got back to the bus I saw CC and Alex cuddling. I'm glad they got back together and fixed everything. I need to talk to Ashley about what happened. I don't get why he would do that but I guess I won't know until I ask. We were walking around trying to find a pizza place, per Jake's suggestion, and in front of me CC and Alex were laughing together. It was cute, even though I wanted to pull them apart and be the overprotective brother I am. We finally found a pizza place and went in to eat.

--/-time skip to after the set--//---

The set was awesome and I'm super pumped. When we got back to the bus I jumped onto the couch and turned on Batman. Alex squealed and sat next to me. All the guys groaned but we were way to focused on the movie to care. After the movie I got up to grab some water. When I got back I saw Alex and CC making out on the couch. "Alexandria Grace Christina Biersack!" I yelled at her. They jumped apart from each other blushing like crazy. I glared at CC. My overprotective older brotherness was kicking in and I was ready to do some serious butt kicking. CC stood up and looked at me. He actually looked kinda scared. "I um...sorry." He said and then he walked into the bunk area. I looked down at Alex. "What do you think you are doing young lady?" I asked her. She sighed, "Sorry Andy. I just. I'm sorry." She said quietly. I shook my head. "It's fine just try not to do whatever that was in front of me please?" I asked her. She chuckled and nodded before leaving to go to her bunk. I decided to stay up for a little and maybe watch some more Batman or something.

Alex POV:
The next morning I woke up excited. I was ready to get ready and have a great day. I got up from my bunk and went to make coffee and see if there was any food on the bus. I was making my coffee when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turned my head and saw a smiling CC. I grinned and turned back to my coffee.

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