Chapter 16

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Ash POV:
As I finished my hair I couldn't help but think about Alex. I probably pissed off CC and confused Alex but I can't help it, I don't care. I like Alex, hate me. Honestly, I'm more scared of Andy then anything else right now. I sighed and fluffed my hair up a bit. I nodded at my reflection and left the bathroom. I went into the lounge to see all the guys and Alex already finished and waiting for me. I smiled, "Let's go! I'm ready to rock." I shouted as I ran to the venue. I'm not sure why but I was actually really pumped and excited for this show, more than usual.

----------time skip----------------
I was really happy when the set ended. I could tell the guys were still pumped from the show too. When we got back to the bus I suggested we drink, of course. And that's the last think I remember from last night.

Alex POV:
I sighed as I woke up. Something's not right I turned and had to refrain from screaming bloody murder. Christian freaking Mora is in my bunk. Memories of last night came flooding through my mind. I am seriously confused as h.ell.

Last night after the show I remember us coming back and all the guys being super pumped up. I remember Ash suggesting they drink to an awesome set. I of course sat by myself on one of the couches. I pulled out my book and continued reading it. I looked up from my book when I felt the couch sink in next to me. I was face to face with a grinning CC. I sighed, "Yes?" I asked. He just smiled and didn't say anything. I shook my head, did I really expect to get a straight answer from a drunk CC? I went back to reading my book when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I pushed the hand off and and looked up at them. It was CC again. "Look, I understand your mad at me but seriously, what is going on?" I asked him. I wanted an answer. A real answer. He just shook his head and kissed me. What the actual f^ck? CC just kissed me. What was happening. Obviously I was having a fight in my head, I mean I love CC but should I really let him do this knowing he's drunk? Eventually I gave in to my girly emotions and kissed him back. I'm not sure what or why I was doing, but I definitely enjoyed it. I missed CC, but it definitely wasn't right. I pulled away from him, but couldn't look into his eyes. He didn't say anything either. He just sighed and sat back next to me. What does this even mean? I shook my head and turned my attention back to my book. Maybe I could just ignore him and he'll go away.

And that's the last thing I remember before I woke up. I must have fallen asleep and been brought to my bunk or something. I tried my best to be very quite and sneak out of my bunk. After successfully doing that I headed to the kitchen type area. I made coffee and layer out migraine pills for everyone. Now I just had to wake everyone up.

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