Chapter 18

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This is the Final Chapter! I wrote this a while ago and it's really short. I usually hate short fics and I wouldn't put you guys through that but this is as far as this particular story will go,

1 year later---
Alex POV:
I am so happy. CC and I have been dating for a year now. There have been some tough times but we made it. Everything turned out great after the tour. Andy was happy that I had finally made a choice and that I was happy. Ashley got himself a girlfriend. Cate, she was nice and really pretty. She was a photographer on the tour. Jake still loves his Pizza and Jinxx is now hooked on Supernatural. Me and CC have never been happier with our relationship and we are going on vacation. CC convinced me to go with him to Hawaii for a few weeks while they had a break from touring. I had just got all my bags into the car when Andy came up beside me. "Have fun and be safe Sis." he said giving me a hug. "I will Andy. Promise." CC and I got into the car and made our way to the airport. As the plane lifted off my mind was filled with thoughts of what the future would bring to me.
"What are you thinking about?" CC asked. I smiled, "You." he grinned and kissed my cheek. "Good."
"I love you Cee." "I love you too Alex."

The End!----

So this last chapter was pretty short but it was just to wrap up the loose ends. Please comment, rate and vote on this story and in the future my fics will be much better and thought out. Thanks!  :)

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