Chapter 7

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Andy's POV:
I had just finished getting ready for the concert. I still couldn't believe that CC and Alex are together. Like really? CC never said anything to me about it, neither did Alex. I can't believe they never said anything, I want to be someone they can trust. Why didn't they tell me? I'm kind of upset with Alex but I don't want to get her sad or upset either. She hasn't been like her normal self lately and I hope that being with CC will help her feel better. I sighed shaking the thoughts out of head. 'Energy!' I kept yelling in my head. Trying to get pumped up for the show. We were currently in the green room having just finished the meet and greet. I saw CC and the guys but couldn't find Alex anywhere. I wonder where she is. I went up to CC, "Hey, do you know where Alex went?" I asked him. "No. She disappeared a little bit ago." He replied. I sighed and turned around trying to catch a glimpse of her through all these people. I couldn't see her anywhere. Then the stage manager came up and told us we went on in five so we walked up to the stage to get the body mics ready. I'm a little worried about Alex. I mean I know she can take care of herself but what if something really bad happened? Mom and Dad would never forgive me.

Alex's POV:
It was really crowded in the green room. Like more then normal so I had stepped outside for a little air. As soon as I stepped out I got bombarded with fans. For some reason Andy's fans seem to really love me. Maybe it's the whole "little sister" thing. I don't know, anyway I couldn't get out of the huddle that had formed. People were snapping pictures with the flashes right in my face and asking for autographs and pulling at my arms and such. I was really scared. I've never been in a situation like this before, I mean sure I've been in Mosh Pits but that's different. I voluntarily did that, this I have no say in. I was getting really scared when finally the line started moving and the mob broke up. I sighed and ran back inside. I was never going to sneak out a venue like that again. I walked in and saw the guys had already started their set. I went over to side stage to watch. It was a great show. Like really good, one of the best I've seen them do before. After the show the guys came off stage and Andy looked at me with this huge smile and eyes filled with relief. He pulled me into a giant hug. "Andy. Whatcha doing?" I asked casually. Andy doesn't usually just come up and hug me for no reason. "Nothing, I thought something bad had happened while you were gone." He said letting me go. "I'm fine Andy. Don't worry." I said smiling. He smiled back and we walked back to the green room together. When we got there everyone was already packed up and ready to go. "Let's go to a bar!" Ashley yelled excitedly. Andy and CC laughed. "I second that motion." Said Andy. I rolled my eyes. "Well, while y'all have your fun I will be watching Supernatural and eating Junk Food." I stated earning a laugh from Jinxx. "I think I will like to join you on that quest." He said laughing. I smiled, I never liked to be the only sober one when I went on tour with the guys. Gladly this time I would have Jinxx on my side. We gathered all our things and went back to the bus, where all our bags had already been loaded on, and the guys all left to find the nearest bar while me and Jinxx searched the fridge for sweets. After we found some ice cream and monster Jinxx said he would start the episode so I went into the bunk room and changed into some comfy pajamas. When I came back out the intro for the show had just ended so I hopped onto the couch next to Jinxx. He laughed and handed me a spoon for the ice cream and a can of monster. "Thanks." I said smiling. "You're welcome." He said smiling back. We turned our attention to the tv and watched a whole bunch more episodes. Sometime during that I had ended up cuddled with Jinxx under a blanket. I mean I wasn't complaining, this was kinda of a scary episode and it was chilly on the bus. But a few minutes later a very clearly drunk Ash, Andy, Jake and CC stumbled into the bus.

Yeah so some stuff might potentially happen that I still kinda hate myself for so yeah sorry.

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