My Geekcharming (GeekChicShipping)

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It had been several days since the loss at the Kalos League for Ash.

The trainer had given it his all, but still wound up loseing to his rival Alain. Of course Ash acted like everything was okay, but wasn't doing as well as thought at hiding it.

Finally Clemont had enough of watching his friend looking so down. It was time to cheer Ash up!


The day had just begun for the gang. The sun was shining brightly down casting shadow of near-by trees. Set-up under the shade of one particularly large trees, was the group of four friends, or rather three. The missing fourth trainer stood farther away from his friends, starring off into space. Nothing could possibly snap him out of his thoughts at this moment.

Worried, Serena watched Ash from her distance away. It wasn't like Ash to do this. Sure he would get sad from time to time, but this - this had hurt the trainer.

Unknowingly of herself being watched, Clemont sighed. Not only for his friends being sad, but also for his own sad feelings.

'If only I could show you both how great you two really are....' Thought the blonde.

Just as he was about to take a nap his little sister began to speak.

"Hey Clemont? Why aren't you doing anything to help right now?"

Raising an eyebrow the inventor looked to see his sister making a few flowercrowns. He carefully noticed they were color codied to match each trainer.

"What do you mean by that?"

Giving a little pout the younger pointed to Ash. "I mean, can't you see our friends are upset. Which means we should help out to make them happy again!"

Giving a nod the inventor turned his attention to his backpack. What should he even make? They were out in a large feild with no buildings around in sight. So making fireworks could be a good distraction for everyone.

Smiling the inventor began to make some colorful fireworks. He added a few special touches to hide in them as surprises. He kept at his work until dusk had fallen.

'It's finally time.' The inventor thought as he rounded his friends up.

With a slight edge in his voice Ash spoke. "So what's this all about?"

Both Bonnie and Clemont exchanged a wink.

"Bonnie and I have something for you."

Bonnie happily turned to Ash and Serena, giving them each a flowercrown with colors that matched their clothes. "I hope you like them. I'm not as good as Serena at making them but I gave it a try."

With a small smile Ash thanked Bonnie and put on his flowercrown, removing his hat.

Serena gave the young girl a big hug and gave a big smile at how Ash was growing happy once more.

As the three of them began to start a conversation of their gratitude, Clemont started to set-up his fireworks on the ground far from his friends.

As soon as the firewirks were set and ready the inventor approached his friends.

"Now for my turn. I've invented my own fireworks to display. I call them the No Need to Feel Sad Anymore 3000! With this remote in my hands all I need to do is press each colored button that corresponds to the color of the fireworks!"

"Wow! Science is so amazing!" Ash cheered.

Clemont gave a small chuckle. It was nice to hear that sentence grom his friend again.

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