I Really Like You (PalletShipping)

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Ash couldn't have been happier! He had just ended Team Flare's reign of terror, and was finally getting a chance to have some fun again.

Ash had always loved going out for a swim and what a better time than now! Clemont himself had even agreeded to join in on the activity of getting wet, which was a first.

Though Bonnie and Serena both thought Shalour Cities beach was much cooler, they obliged in going to Coumarine Cities beach.

The young blonde, by the name of Bonnie, ran around in the luscious clear water. She wasn't giving a care in the world until a massive wave swept her off her feet.

"Bonnie!" Ash called out to the fallen over girl. He ran until he had reached the girl and offered her a hand in help. The young blonde gladly accepted as she was risen to her feet once more. The two had failed to recognize of a certain young man behind them until a light cough was heard.

"Is that Ashy-Boy I see!" The young man commented.

Ash turned in astonishment at hearing the familiar nickname and voice. Which belonged to none other than Gary Oak, his old friend and rival. Gary still reigned superior in height as usual. He wore a salmon shirt and black swim shorts.

Though at times they didn't see eye to eye, they were still as close as can be.

"Gary! What are you doing here?" Ash squeaked out, he was surprised to see Bonnie smiling charmingly at the Oak.

"Well if you must know, I've been doing research on the pokemon in this region for quite some time." Gary replied as he bent over to pat the young blondes head.

"Who might this little charmer be?" Gary inquired.

"I'm Bonnie! It's nice to meet you, Gary. I know your name already because Ash said it first!" Bonnie cherped. She quickly stuck out her tounge in a smile and left to give her friends some space.

Gary had to smirk when he regarded Ash once again. Even though they hadn't seen each other since Sinnoh, Ash still looked the same. Who would've thought that Ash-Boy would still be working on the first chapter of puberty!

"Want to go for a swim?" Ash urged. That way I don't have to drool over you, he almost added.

"Sure thing." Gary replied while he began to remove his shirt.

Gary sure has changed. Ash thought to himself, he fought to hid a blush. The Oak's chest was nice and toned well.

"Ready?" Gary asked, snapping Ash out of his daze.

"You bet!"

The two jumped into the crystal waters, earning a large spash of water. Ash squirmed and quivered at the coldness of the water.


Suddenly Ash was underwater. What had just happened? Had he cramped up and hadn't noticed? In actuality, it was just Gary, who was splashing water on him.

Ash sheilded his eye's as Gary continued his action of splashing water. Had Gary always been this way? Had he always been so carefree?

Ash took a deep breath as he too began to splash Gary with water. He hadn't noticed that nobody was there until a pair of slender arms wrapped there way around his slender waist.

From the corner of his eye, Ash could see Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie from their perch on dry land. They were clustered around a barbeque and sat under the shade of an umbrella.

Turning his attention back to Gary, Ash smiled. Thinking back on their past friendship was everything Ash could hope for.

One thing was for sure, Ash was going to cherish these next few day's with Gary.

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