Dance Together (MarissonShipping)

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Blue spotlights shone down the inside of the Lumious City Gym. Why were there blue lights exactly? Because of a celebration for the defeat of Team Flare!

The celebration was hosted by Kalos Champion Diantha, Kalos Queen Aria, and Hoenn Champion Steven Stone. They wanted to thank everyone who helped during the crises, and what a better way than a party!

The current time was night and everybody was dancing around the dance floor. Two trainers in particular were having a great time on or near the dance floor.

On the dance floor, with Bonnie and Serena, was Mairin. The red head wore an elegant dark blue dress that reached to her feet. Bonnie and Serena wore matching pink dresses that went knee length.

The three girl's twirled and danced to the music to the music in happiness. If there was only one word to describe their dancing it would be unique.

Standing near the outskirts of the dance floor was Alain. He wore a black tuxedo with a white shirt and tie. The Charizard trainer watched his travel companion with a smile. He had waited so long to see Mairin smile as she used to.

Sighing, Alain walked over to look at the playlist of upcoming songs on Clemonts digital DJ screen. The song that would be next was "If I lose myself" by One Republic. Perhaps he could ask Mairin to dance with him to the song?

Looking back to his travel companion, Alain smiled. He found his feet moving on his own towards Mairin. He couldn't explain it but there was something that told him to hold out his hand to the girl when he made it to his travel companion. It was probably because the song had now changed to If I Lose Myself though and everyone was either pairing up or exiting the dance floor to let the couples dance.

Mairin's eyes grew as she looked at Alain's outstretched arm for her. She smiled warmly to her travel companion and gladly accepted his hand.

The two took a bow before placing their hands in a couples position - Alain holding Mairin's left hand, his other hand on her waist. Mairin holding Alain's hand with her other around his neck.

A light shade of pink dusted the shorter girl's cheeks as she stared up at Alain. She couldn't help but giggle at his relaxed expression.

"Thanks for asking to dance with me Alain!"

The latter nodded his head, his mouth was dry, not able to speak.

The Charizard trainer spun the Chespin trainer several times which earned himself the smiles from the girl.

"You're really good at this!" Mairin complemented.

Alain thanked her by pulling her close when a blue spotlight hit them for all to see. The two didn't seem to notice all the attention as they began to spun around together, mimicking a dance party rotation dance.

As the song continued the spotlight left to shine on other dancers taking the attention off the two.

"Mairin... Thank you for travelling with me for so long... I really missed seeing your smile."

The red head blushed. She smiled once again and looked into the blue eyes of the latter.

"You're welcome! I'm glad that I've been so lucky to have met you."

The two swayed to the song, slowly inching closer to each other until finally their lips met for a delicate kiss.

A loud childlike voice could be heard as the two broke apart, each blushing a bright crimson.

"Yay for Alain and Mairin!"

The latter noticed that a blue spot light was on the two again and looked up to see Bonnie was the one shining the light on them.

"Looks like we have a fan." Mairin giggled in embarrassment as she hugged Alain close.

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