Alola To Love (CuteBoneShipping)

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Gladion sat on the edge of the stage where Grand Trials were held in Iki Town. He was waiting for Hau so the two could go to Hau'oli City to hang out.

What's taking him so long? Gladion sighed, he'd been waiting for nearly an hour now and was beginning to get impatient.

Gladion ran his fingers through his blonde bangs as he stood up. The former Team Skull Enforcer walked over to what looked like Hau's home and knocked on the door.

The door flung open almost right after the knocking, sending the blonde backwards.


It took the energetic male a moment to realise that he had sent his friend to the ground before helping him up.

"Woah! Sorry about that Gladion, here let me help you." Hau offered his hand out which the blonde took in annoyance.

"Whatever... What took you so long? We're only hanging out for a few hours - you didn't have to take so long to get ready."

The blonde was looking at the greenette's attire and hair closely. Hau's hair appeared much more styled than usual. It looked like he may have even used hair spray?! His clothes even look like they were recently ironed and wrinkle free.

A small blush found its way to the slightly darker skinned male at his friends comment on the time he used to get ready. The reason he fixed his clothes and hair so much was to try and impress said person.

As much as Hau wanted to come out and explain his cleaner appearance he couldn't. He just couldn't risk the awkwardness that would for sure wedge its way into their day.

"Yeah, I know... Well what're we waiting for? Let's get going!"

Shoving both hands in his pant pockets, Gladion nodded.

About time we got going.


"Woah! It's been such a long time since I was last at the mall!" Hau beamed.

The two friends had decided to start ,what was left of the day, at the shopping mall. It wasn't that the mall was their first choice on where to hang out. It was just the only place that had a large variety of shops to go in. Plus neither had been there for awhile anyway.

"Not that it matters, but neither have I."

Hau smiled to Gladion as an idea came to mind. If neither had been to the mall lately then that meant there'd be more time to spend together as they looked around!

"Gladi! How about we get something to eat at the food court and check out the malls map to see which stores to go to?"

"Dont call me Gladi... Sure I guess so, I'm not very hungry though."

Little by little Hau inched closer to Gladion with a bright smile upon his face. He knew perfectly well the blonde was lieing about not being hungry. On the way to Hau'oli City Gladion's stomach was growling so much it sounded like a wild Yungoose!

"Awww don't be that way Gladion. I know your just as hungry as I am, so you're going to eat. If I remember correctly there's a malasada shop in the food court so I could get you one if you'd like. Anything you want to eat just name it!"

Gladion took several steps to walk ahead the grennette. He didn't understand. Hau was too kind and generous to understand why he didn't want to eat.

"Malasada's sound fine... and don't expect me to eat the whole thing."

With a nod of approval Hau caught up to the blonde. There was an awkward silence as the two walked to the malasada shop in the food court.

Of course to Gladion the silence didn't faze him in the slightest since he was used to it. But to Hau the silence was becoming unbearable. What fun would it be to hang out with someone but not even talk?!

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