Sweet Surprises (DiodeShipping)

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After winning his fifth Kalos Gym badge, the gang had decided to take a rest at the Lumious City Pokemon Center.

"Ash? Who is this in your photo?" Bonnie asked. She was holding a photo that had fallen out of Ash's backpack. Pointing to a girl with blue hair and a Piplup on her shoulder, Bonnie held up the photo.

Ash looked at the photo, smiling big. "That's my friend Dawn. She lives in Twinleaf Town, that's all the way in the Sinnoh Region."

The raven haired boy sighed as he was handed the photo.

Bonnie then walked towards Clemont, dragging him by his wrist to where Ash was.

"Clemont look!" The younger girl piped cheerfully pointed to Dawn, in the photo. "Isn't she a keeper!"

Just as Bonnie said that, Serena walked up from behind to take a look at the girl in the photo. "Wow....she sure is pretty! I think Clemont and that girl would make a terrific couple."

Ash stared smiling at the honey haired girl. "She really is beautiful. Dawn's a coordinator, it's very similar to a being a Pokemon Performer. The only real difference is they use ball capsules to make an entrance onto the stage. Also after who's decided to move on, they have a battle of style."

Serena nodded in understatement. "I see."

On the inside, the honey haired girl was thinking about how Ash talked so highly about Dawn. It seemed as if he actually liked her liked her!

Bonnie began to pout when she looked back to Clemont. He was staring at nothing in particular, lost in thought.

"So, what do you think?"

Clemonts face flushed when he met Ash's gaze. "Bonnie, I've told you to stop this a million times! I want to be able to decide on my own who will take care of ne or vise versa! Besides I bet she's going to be taking care of Ash anyway." The older blonde said. The last part was said a bit sadly.

Both Bonnie and Serena both stared at him in shock. Bonnie couldn't believe how much her brother had grown to talk about his feelings. He never talked this way before! As for Serena, she couldn't believe that Clemont said that Ash and Dawn where practically going to get married!

Silence filled the room. All eye's were on Clemont, until finally he spoke again.

"Umm, Ash? Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Serena and Bonnie took the hint and exited the room, followed by Pikachu, both still shocked by what had just happened. Serena pocked her head threw the doors one last time.

"I'll be with Bonnie if you need her, or me." Serena said before disappearing.

Ash adjusted his hat before looking to Clemont. "So what did you want to talk about?" Ash asked with a simple smile.

The smile made the inventor feel fuzzy on the inside. He had to do his best to keep from blushing.

"Do you want to maybe... hang out for awhile, just the two of us? I know that we just had a battle, but we haven't seen each other for quite some time now. I was hopeing that we could catch up for a bit."

The raven haired boy smiled. He stood up from the red couch, putting an arm around Clemonts shoulder.

"Of course we can hang out! It'll be just the two of us."

Clemont smiled to Ash. "Thank you so much!"


After asking Serena to watch Bonnie and Pikachu, Ash and Clemont began to roam around Lumious City.

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